Ayurvedic Natural Herbal Medicinal Health Treatment Methods without side effects. This blog is related to health, fitness, wellness, Alternative Medicines and leading a disease free lifestyle. It gives in depth info and knowledge about how to remain healthy all your life without taking medicines, non invasive treatment methods
Mix Olive Oil, Lemon & Honey & Leave it One Night & You won't Regret Consuming the Mixture The rest of Your Life
Extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, and honey are three good natural ingredients that when mixed produce a healthy mixture. This mixture will change your life for the better with these many benefits, but on the condition that it is prepared and taken as we will mention in this article. Olive oil is one of the oldest and best oils known to man, and lemon is one of the most popular citrus fruits known in every home. Honey is a natural source of glucose and is known for its antimicrobial efficacy and antiseptic properties. We recommend choosing high-quality products: extra virgin olive oil, you can bring it from a reliable mill or any source you trust, lemons must be fresh and free from organic farming, and also honey must be from a reliable source.
Put olive oil with lemon juice and honey and then leave it for one night and you won't regret taking the mixture rest of your life. A good dynamic mixture will change your life for the better with these many benefits but provided it is prepared as we mention here in this article.
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Welcome all. If you mix olive oil with lemon and honey watch what happens in your body. Olive oil is distinguished by being one of the oldest and best oils known to man because it contains beneficial elements for the body. In addition to that it can't be dispensed within the preparation of many types of food. Lemon is one of the most famous citrus fruits known and found in every home and although it has an acid taste it produces alkaline by-products that are beneficial to the body once it is metabolized and its effectiveness in resisting many diseases has been proven in many research studies. Honey is added with lemon and olive oil for its many advantages.
The first of which is its sweet taste as it is a natural source of glucose. It's famous for its antimicrobial efficacy and antiseptic properties and it's considered a good solvent that doesn't allow any interaction between the three components, which allows this mixture to be left for a period of more than three months without any change in its properties and benefits. In this article we will present to you the benefits of mixing olive oil with lemon juice and honey in addition to how to prepare this mixture and use it optimally.
The first track is the therapeutic benefits of this dynamic triple mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and honey. First the mixture of olive oil with lemon and honey effectively contributes to preserving the liver and its functions. As the liver is one of the most important organs responsible for purifying the blood and it is primarily responsible for improving the digestion process. With this mixture the liver becomes healthier and works to protect it from infections with hepatitis C disease by eliminating the virus that causes it and limiting its activity and its transmission to healthy cells in the body to destroy them.
2. Breaking up and preventing the formation of kidney stones. Kidney stones are considered one of the most common kidney diseases. They are stones consisting of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate which causes severe pain to the patients Studies have shown that persisting in drinking lemon juice mixed with olive oil works on getting rid of kidney stones and prevents their formation. This happens as a result of the lemon containing a large percentage of natural potassium citrate. It's scientifically known that the potassium element is chemically more active than the calcium element. So the potassium present in lemon juice replaces the calcium that exists in the form of stones which leads to the breakdown of these stones easily and due to olive oil the crumbs of these stones move from the kidneys to the bladder to be excreted easily through urination and disposal.
3. It contributes to weight loss and prevents the accumulation of fat in the body as this mixture reduces appetite. This is due to the olive oils containment of oleic acid which stimulates the increase in the production of some hormones that regulate appetite such as peptide which enhances the feeling of satiety and reduces the feeling of hunger and thus reduces eating meals.
4. The mixture contains a good amount of mono saturated fatty acids and antioxidants such as oleic acid and poly phenols present in olive oil as well as lemon juice contains a high percentage of vitamin C which is a strong antioxidant. This helps to strengthen the immune system, increase the absorption of important minerals that the body needs and reduce risk factors for heart disease.
5. Olive oil, lemon and honey works to enhance the good performance of the digestive system and colon and eliminate stomach infections or intestinal ulcers. This mixture is diuretic and protects against bladder infections and it is an excellent treatment for urinary tract infections as well as constipation.
6. Although this mixture is acidic in nature once metabolized it produces alkaline by products that are beneficial to the body which makes it great for detoxifying and purifying the body. Lemon also stimulates collagen production which works to remove dark circles that form under the eyes making the skin healthy and glowing.
7. It strengthens memory and protects against Alzheimer’s disease. The brain is one of the body's most energy consuming organs and this mixture is an essential source of this energy. The glucose present in honey, the oleic acid present in olive oil prevents the formation of genes that cause brain cancer and protects against Alzheimer’s disease.
8. It helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol which helps to improve blood circulation maintain the health of veins and arteries prevent strokes and improve the performance of the cardiovascular system
9. This mixture is considered a real medicine for those suffering from joint pain or rheumatism
10. If you are a man or woman who wants to improve the energy of your body or does a hard work throughout the day you can rely on this mixture as it's a great tonic for the body that resists fatigue and lethargy and provides the body with maximum energy and vitality. In the case of healthy people with this mixture the unpleasant symptoms caused by smoking or poor diet such as bad breath, upon waking up gastrointestinal problems or liver overload will improve dramatically and with minimal efforts.
The second track is what is the correct way to prepare this healthy mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and honey and how to use it in the best way. You can use the following ingredients to prepare this mixture. About 100 milli liters of warm water, the juice of two lemons, four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, two tablespoons of natural honey. Simply pour honey into warm water and mix it until it dissolves. Then add lemon juice and olive oil to the mixture quickly.
Keep Olive Oil in an opaque bottle that doesn't allow light to pass through as olive oil shouldn't be exposed to light. When olive oil is exposed to natural or artificial light sources what is called photo oxidation occurs which leads to the production of peroxides molecules that works to destroy essential fatty acids which negatively affects the nutritional value of olive oil. The more olive oil is exposed to light the more it is oxidized until its nutritional value gradually decreases. Therefore olive oil should always be placed in an opaque bottle that doesn't allow light penetration. It's worth noting that poly phenols present in olive oil aren't affected by exposure to light as they are natural antioxidants.
All right after mixing the three ingredients we leave the mixture for one night until it becomes more homogeneous and then the mixture is ready for drink. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to more than a month. It's recommended to drink a spoonful of this mixture on an empty stomach in the morning, before breakfast, half an hour every day. Of course, we recommend choosing high quality products extra virgin olive oil you can bring it from a reliable mill or any source you trust and with regard to lemons it must be fresh and free from pesticides and from organic farming as well as honey must be from a reliable source.
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Ayurvedic Natural Herbal Medicinal Health Treatment Methods without side effects. This blog is related to health, fitness, wellness, Alternative Medicines and leading a disease free lifestyle. It gives in depth info and knowledge about how to remain healthy all your life without taking medicines and non invasive treatment methods.
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