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Ayurvedic Natural Herbal Medicinal Health Treatment Methods without side effects. This blog is related to health, fitness, wellness, Alternative Medicines and leading a disease free lifestyle. It gives in depth info and knowledge about how to remain healthy all your life without taking medicines, non invasive treatment methods

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Learn to Make a Cup of Popular Scented Tea in This Cold Weather

Learn to Make a Cup of Popular Scented Tea in this Cold Weather

Everyone knows that tea has the effect of reducing fat and losing weight, but young women prefer to use some other tea without "leaf" to lose weight.

Barley Tea

Barley Health Benefits:
One of barley’s most noteworthy health benefits is its high fiber content.
Can Help Improve Digestion.
Helps with Weight Loss.
Helps Control Blood Sugar Levels.
Helps Lower High Cholesterol.
Prevents Heart Disease. Provides Antioxidants.
High in Vitamins and Minerals.

The method of barley tea is to fry the barley into scorched yellow and then boil it. Barley has the effects of strengthening the spleen and digesting food, removing heat and thirst, and lowering gas and water. Barley tea is mainly used to eliminate temperature and detoxify, strengthen the spleen and lose weight, clear away heat and relieve heat, remove fishy fat, remove greasy, help digestion, and moisturize hair. Barley tea does not contain theophylline, caffeine, tannin, etc. It does not stimulate nerves, does not affect sleep, does not pollute tea sets, and does not pollute teeth.

Second, green juice tea

Learn to Make a Cup of Popular Scented Tea in This Cold Weather

Green juice originates from Japan and refers to teas that are brewed with green plants as raw materials and processed into powder. It is rich in chlorophyll and flavonoids and has health effects on the human body. Green juice also contains dietary fiber and chlorophyll that promote intestinal detoxification, which can treat constipation, reduce fat and lose weight, and is suitable for long-term drinking.

Third, black rice tea

Learn to Make a Cup of Popular Scented Tea in This Cold Weather
Most people come in contact with black rice tea at Japanese restaurants. In fact, black rice tea is very suitable for people who lose weight. The method is to mix brown rice with green tea according to a certain ratio, with strong aroma and unique flavor. Brown rice tea has both the nutrition of brown rice and the health-care functions of tea. Brown rice is rich in fiber, is good for the stomach, and rich in vitamins C, B2, and B6. Green tea is rich in catechins, which helps reduce abdominal fat. Korean women see it as the best diet food.

Fourth, flower tea

Learn to Make a Cup of Popular Scented Tea in This Cold Weather

Scented tea

 Also known as fragrant tablet, is a kind of reprocessed tea unique to China. It is made by brewing plant flowers.

  1. protect the human heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys and five internal organs, can be targeted to the five internal organs tonic maintenance.

  2. often drink herbal tea for chronic hepatitis and intestinal diseases have a preventive effect.

  3. It has the effect of reducing liver pressure and reducing blood pressure, and has effects on hypertension and swelling of the body.

  4. It has the functions of lowering blood lipids, increasing coronary blood flow, increasing myocardial blood supply, and anti-atherosclerosis.

  5. Preventing cardiovascular disease is of great benefit in improving symptoms such as hypertension and myocardial infarction.

Fifth, black bean tea

Learn to Make a Cup of Popular Scented Tea in This Cold Weather

Black beans contain anthocyanins, which can effectively prevent fats from being absorbed by the body after entering the small intestine, and at the same time make fats smoothly escape from the body, which is not easy to cause accumulation.

Sixth, corn beard tea

Learn to Make a Cup of Popular Scented Tea in This Cold Weather 
People in China believe that corn beard tea can diuretic and dehumidify, remove moisture from the body, and eliminate dampness is very effective in improving obesity, especially suitable for drinking in summer. In addition, "three high" patients drink more corn beard tea, which can lower blood lipids, blood pressure and blood sugar.

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keywords; flower whisker tea; brown rice tea; barley tea; corn tea

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