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Ayurvedic Natural Herbal Medicinal Health Treatment Methods without side effects. This blog is related to health, fitness, wellness, Alternative Medicines and leading a disease free lifestyle. It gives in depth info and knowledge about how to remain healthy all your life without taking medicines, non invasive treatment methods

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

3X Deadlier Than Cancer & Most People Don't Know They Have It

Hello! Health Champions!

 Over 70% of people have this health issue. Many people need to reverse: Insulin Resistance, Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, etc but this condition is 3 times more deadly than cancer. Reverse these health issues like insulin resistance, visceral belly fat, etc while there is time! Is your doctor missing the root cause of why you have have these issues? Watch this video to learn how to stay healthy naturally. 

Today I want to talk about the most devastating disease in the world. It claims many times more lives than cancer and most people who have it don't even know it we're going to talk about how it does its damage. Why it is so poorly understood and of course how you can protect yourself coming right up.

 Hey! I'm Dr. Ekberg, I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic Athlete and if you want to truly Master Health by understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe our website, so you don't miss anything about latest development in disease control and causing damages in the following ways.

It causes fat clogging the liver. It causes chronic inflammation, it increases blood pressure, it increases blood sugar, it reduces the helpful cholesterol HDL and it increases the damaging inflammatory cholesterol LDL, it increases triglycerides, the fat in your blood and it puts on belly fat and weight on your body. Furthermore it reduces your immune function, it interferes with your body's ability to defend itself and it also decreases it effectively shuts off autophagy which is your body's mechanism to clean itself out to recycle vital components and make sure the system is running smoothly and cleanly and this disease, because it's directly linked to all those mechanisms. It further causes these diseases, it causes cardiovascular disease, heart disease, it causes stroke, it causes dementia, it causes kidney failure, and is the leading cause of kidney failure, blindness and amputations. It further contributes to cancer, it interferes with the body's ability to defend itself against cancer and if you have a serious infection it increases the risk of your dying from that infection. All in all it's been estimated that this disease is involved in over 95% of all the generative diseases and what is this mysterious disease? It is insulin resistance and for some of you, you go.

 Wow! Insulin resistance! I had no idea and others are going to go What! Just insulin resistance and you kind of blow it off and that would be a huge mistake. I urge you to stay with me and follow through, so you really understand what insulin resistance does because insulin resistance is the most devastating disease with ever had on the planet and it is the most costly both in financial terms and in terms of human sufferings and then someone might say that well you have to die of something. All those diseases you listed they're just old people diseases true but it is also a matter of dying longer because with insulin resistance and all those degenerative diseases people spend 10, 20, 30 years dying. During that time they suffer tremendously more than a healthy person and their quality of life suffers during all that time, they can't do the things that they want to do they're on medication they need help and so forth. So it's about the quality of life in terms of energy mood productivity. All those things that make life worthwhile and then of course on top of all that it is also causing more deaths than anything else if we look at some of Deadliest diseases around the world. We have cancer at nine and a half million, heart disease 17.9 million, hypertension 7 ½, stroke 5 million, and diabetes 4.2 million and if we add all of those up that's 34.6 million and why are we adding those because they have the central component in all of those diseases.

The central mechanism is insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome and that sum total is 364% more than the total deaths from cancer to compare numbers like this because all of these metabolic syndrome disease is this, even though insulin resistance is the primary cause of that, it's not the only cause and hypertension is the primary association with stroke, So there's a big overlap in these conditions and these numbers, however I think that you'll see the point that I'm making that we're talking the biggest diseases in the world and there's a central theme namely insulin resistance to all of these major disease. That's one of the biggest misconceptions about diabetes and insulin resistance is that you either have it or you don't, but in fact it's just a matter of how much of it do you have, where are you on the continuum and the continuing goes all the way from diabetes to pre-diabetes to optimal diabetes is they have to draw the line in the sand somewhere so they decided that when your hemoglobin A1c, when your long-term average glucose is 6.5 or higher corresponding to an average glucose level of 140 mg per deciliter. Then they say now you are diabetic, now you have the diagnosis of a diabetic and you could go a whole lot higher than 6 1/2 people have 10 and 12 and 15 also when they're diabetic they diagnose you as pre-diabetic if your A1c is between 5.7 and 6.4 and if you are pre-diabetic then they expect you the average pre-diabetic will become diabetic in 5 years. At the other end of the spectrum is optimal and optimal A1c is 4.8 to 5.1 in my opinion and experience. And that would correspond to a average glucose of 91 to hundred, not a fasting. Your fasting is supposed to be lower than that but your average glucose in mainstream medicine there are some numbers here in the middle that they consider entirely normal. So while I think that 5.1 is a normal optimal number they think that 5.3 to 5.6 is still perfectly okay, because you're not 5.7 yet or 6.5 yet but here's the thing to understand that if you are not optimal if you are in the 5.3, 5.6 range then you are slipping you are on your way towards more insulin resistant because if you’re insulin sensitive then you are stable, you're leading a lifestyle that you can maintain and your body isn't moving away from there. But if you're moving away from there then it's just a matter of time and how quickly you're going to get there, so that's why we want to pay serious attention, listen to anything 5.3 or up. Then we look at the prevalence how common is this.

 We see 30 million people in the United States have type 2 diabetes and around the world it's 463 million people and they're expecting that to double in the next two to three further four decades and I think that's actually an under estimate because there's so many people who are on the way there that are either pre-diabetic or slipping in the US. We have 114 million people who are officially pre-diabetic around the world. There's no measurement, they don't have them, kept notes on that, but it's probably somewhere around a billion and when we look at the people who are slipping we're probably talking about 300 million people in the US and probably at least 2.2 billion people around the globe and why do we say that, because insulin resistant is the primary cause of weight gain and we have over seventy percent of the u.s. population is overweight and more than a third of the world or around a third of the world is overweight today. Here is how the numbers of obesity have progressed in the United States from 1800 where was virtually non-existent 1900 started happening but then 1960 post-war and on it has been an exponential growth and here we are talking percent of the population that are obese not just overweight but obese. And then we start looking at the red here is diabetes and the numbers aren't quite as high but explosive exponential growth here and the reason is that it takes a few decades like we talked about. It takes five years to get from insulin resistance to full-blown diabetes and it probably takes 15-20 years to get from very mild insulin resistance to diabetes. So thats about a 15-20 years and while the United States is the world leader among large countries in terms of diabetes, obesity and overweight that this is how it progressed from 1990 to 2020 and the rest of the world is only a matter of time how far they're behind because the tendency, the trend is exactly the same.

So we want to talk about how to fix this but first we have to understand what does insulin do? Where does insulin resistance come from? When you eat food then it gets in your digestive tract which digests the food and breaks it down into smaller particles and then once the particles are down to molecular size then they get absorbed into the bloodstream but they can't get from the blood to the cell without insulin and that's the job of insulin. That's why insulin is absolutely necessary, type 1 diabetics who can't make insulin, they die because they have nutrients in the blood but they can't get to the cell to insulin is not a bad thing, but it's all about balance.

One of the biggest reasons insulin resistance is such a big problem is that it's so poorly or incompletely understood if you look it up online, then you will see that insulin resistance is when cells in the body such as muscle fat and liver stopped responding, they don't respond. Well, insulin but the question is why when you hear a statement that the cell isn't responding well then why is it just arbitrary is the cell just being stupid or does the cell have a really good reason for starting to resist insulin. If you watch few of my videos you know that the body is infinitely smart. Every cell in the body is attempting to return to homeostasis. Everything is flowing according to an intelligence in the body, so there's always a perfectly good reason why the body does, what it does, what if we don't understand that if we think that the cell is arbitrarily stupid and one day it responded and the next day it doesn't respond to insulin then we might try to force it anyway and that's called medication. So if the cell doesn't want what the insulin is providing, if the cell says oh! I've had enough and the cell says, I'm starting to resist and we force it now the question is do you think that were moving that cell closer to health or away from health. Are we improving the health of that cell by violating its wishes or are we actually hurting that cell. I think it's pretty clear that when you force it, when you try to interfere with what the body is doing and sort of impose your will, you are always decreasing health.

Let's look at it one more way about insulin resistance

 What would you do?

 Let's say this is your house and then one day a salesman shows up and it was a really long time since you had someone knock on your door so you're all excited to go open the door and asking hey! what you got there? That looks really interesting and you appreciate the visit and you have an exchange of information and maybe you buy something so that's all good but what if he shows up again after he completed the sale he shows up again five minutes later and now you go hey! what's going on? Here you're a little suspicious, you're starting to hesitate little bit and then what if he shows up every 5 minutes for the next several days. Then I think you would get a little bit upset you would tell him to get lost you would start to resist that sales person. Same thing with sales calls, I don't know about you but 90% of the time my cell phone rings, it is a computer calling me with some fabulous offer of credit or car insurance. And I have to admit after so many of those calls you hang up, you block the number, and then 30 minutes later the same computer calls on a different number. Well I don't respond, so well I'm starting to resist those sales calls and that's exactly what's happening to the cell when the insulin is trying to overdo it.

 When the insulin is too much insulin then we start resisting it. So insulin resistance is resistance to the action of insulin and when your cell starts to resist that action of insulin that's a physiological adaptation. The cell is trying to return to balance and to homeostasis, you notice how fat tends to get blamed for everything and that's because nobody wants excess fat on their body. It is unhealthy and it's burdensome. It's kind of in the way, it heavy lugging it around. People don't like excess fat on the body, but is it the root cause if you have a lot of fat then it’s because you have too much fat storing and you don't have enough metabolism. You're not burning enough of it off, and that in turn depends on increased lipogenesis. It's not just what you're eating in terms of bad, it is how much fat is your body making. That's what lipogenesis making fat and if you don't have much of a metabolism then you're not breaking down the fat enough so you have decreased lipolysis and both of those are a direct result of insulin resistance because the more insulin resistance you have, the more insulin the body is going to try to make to control blood sugar. So insulin goes up but insulin is only the result of blood and now here is the root cause. The blood sugar is a result of sugar and starch. Everybody blames it on fat but the fat is not the cause, it's the end result the cause is sugar, starch, blood sugar and insulin. And how can we be so certain of that because we know what causes insulin responses so if we put an index value of a hundred on sugar and starch, then protein produces about half as much of an insulin response and fat produces virtually zero. It's in the single digits and further more protein and fats are very satiating. They keep you full for a long time but sugar and starch makes you hungry but some people are still not convinced because there's some studies that say, the fat cells are more insulin resistance when we measure the signaling molecules from fat cells and how fat cells behave, there are more insulin resistant, so the fat must be the problem.

Well, it may look like that but the fat didn't make the fat cells fat, the insulin did, and it's really sad it's just like when we're shaming the fat we were blaming the fat people for being lazy and gluttonous. Well now we're blaming the fat cells were shaming the fat cells. the saying which bad fat cells you shouldn't be insulin resistant? Well we made it fat with insulin because there's the sugar in the starch that causes the insulin, that causes the fast storing and now we have the end result is a fat insulin resistant fat cell that we can shame just like we shame the fat people.

 I think those are pretty convincing arguments and the experience of a lot of people who are doing fasting and ketosis and low carb having excellent results you would think that the information would get out but when we check with the world Health Organization about the cause of obesity they say that it's too many calories. It's an increase in calories people are eating more calories from fat and sugar than they did in the past and they are less active so it's the same story we're hearing from the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association and all the authorities. So what do they suggest that we do about it? Well they say reduce the calories from fat and sugar. Now, they're 50% right and they're 50% absolutely wrong because the fat is not the problem unless you're eating poor-quality fat that is enormous. It is the primary problem, so when they say to reduce the calories from sugar that's the right thing to do. Not the fat but then they say increase calories from fruit, vegetables, beans and Grain.

And vegetables are totally okay if you're eating non-starchy vegetables, leafy greens, cauliflower etc. but basically what they're saying here is reduce calories from fat and carbohydrates and increase calories from carbohydrates.

And that is how you go from insulin resistant to diabetic to what can the healthcare system do about this devastating disease in the United States in 2020 they will spend over 4 trillion dollars on so called "health care". I put that in quotation marks because it's not healthcare it's ‘sick care’ it's symptom treatment and they're spending over $12,000 per person and that's average out on the people without so many problems. But despite all that money spent than anywhere else in the world they have more diabetes, more heart disease, more arthritis, more high blood pressure, more metabolic syndrome they've ever had before and as time goes they spend more money and the diseases become more prevalent. And why is that because the treatment is for symptoms only not the root cause they don't understand the root cause. They're not interested in the root cause they're interested in treating symptoms.

You need more reasons to reverse insulin resistance? Well there was a recent virus that I got a lot of people's attention it's called the coronavirus and the interesting thing is that there's certain risk groups that have very low risk and their other risk groups that have very high risk and other than age, insulin resistance is the primary factor among biggest factors. In age more elderly people are more insulin resistant but from these low to the high-risk groups that can be a hundred fold difference in death rates.

 A hundred fold, hundred times more likely to die if you have a high risk, than if you're in a low-risk. That's pretty substantial and virtually all the risk factors identified outside of specifically age have to do with insulin resistance we have to understand that pathogens are opportunistic. They take advantage of a weakened host that's why they can be a hundred fold different and now we're ready to talk about what to do? But why couldn't we just go straight to that, why couldn't we just list out the things to do give me the bottom line, because if we don't have the reasons that we don't understand the depth of the devastation, if we don't understand the scope of the problem and the mechanism then we'll take that final list and we'll try it. And you know what try means, it means we're absolutely no way. We're going to go through with it, we are going to try it for a few weeks and then we'll be back to doing what we did before. So that is why I spend so much time on the why and the mechanism, because once that starts sinking in then it starts making sense and you can make changes, for life prevention is easy it's about insulin not calories.

It's not how many calories you eat it's what sort of foods trigger insulin because those foods will make you eat more and trigger more insulin and so on and so on the simplest rule of all when it comes to diet is eat real food. That's it, eat it, the way nature made it. Eat single-ingredient foods, put it together yourself as much as possible and avoid fake foods Don't eat fake foods, don't eat processed foods, package foods with additives and 37 ingredients because man-made food isn't food, it looks like food, it almost taste like food sometimes but it doesn't nourish your body. It interferes, it throws things out of balance, the biggest reason fake food hurts you is that a lot of it is full of sugar and fructose, especially and it also is full of processed starch. Then there's a ton of other things they throw in there like MSG and artificial flavors and preservatives and chemicals and colors and all that, but if you are insulin sensitive if you are in imbalance of life forces then this is basically all you have to do to prevent insulin resistance. If you already are insulin resistant now you need to reverse it and that's not quite as easy but it's still simple. You just need to do all of these steps above.

It's the same rules, but you have to add a couple of more, do all the above plus, you go on a low carb/keto diet.

You have to go lower in carbohydrates than someone is just trying to prevent it, because you're already many years or even decades into the process of physiological adaptation of pushing that cell towards insulin resistance. And the second powerful tool in addition to low carb, it's not one or the other you want to do both is intermittent fasting.

You eat less than 6 meals a day and then you go to three meals and then you go to the one or two meals and you figure out where you're going to get the results. If you'd like to learn more about how the body works and how to get truly healthy go ahead and click that video above.

 Next thank you so much for reading the article if you are health conscious, watching the video above to save your health.

 I'll see you in the next blog post which is certainly going to take care of your health and body ailments.  

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