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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Coronavirus: People with this blood group have lower risk of corona infection, research reveals

Coronavirus: People with this blood group have lower risk of corona infection, research reveals
Coronavirus: People with this blood group have lower risk of corona infection, research reveals Image Courtesy: Pixabay

Coronavirus: People with this blood group have lower risk of corona infection, research reveals

Since the outbreak of the corona virus, a number of factors have been associated with higher risks of Covid-19 infection, including already existing medical conditions, obesity, and aging. But according to a recent study, blood types can also determine the risks of Covid-19 infection. Many scientists and medical experts are studying the relationship between Covid-19 and various blood groups and trying to understand them. A study conducted in November last year has been published in the journal Nature, which claims that blood type may affect the risk of corona virus.According to the study, 14,000 people admitted to hospitals in New York, the US, were screened and found that people with all other blood groups were at higher risk of getting infected with the virus than the O-positive blood group. Earlier in another study published in the journal Nature, it was found that those with O-positive blood group had lower risk of corona infection and due to complication of organs.

Those with a blood group are more at risk of corona

A recent study was also conducted in Canada regarding the relationship of Covid-19 and the blood group, which included 95 patients with severe corona infection. Of all these patients, 84% had blood group A and needed ventilation. By comparison, 61 percent of the group of people with O and B blood groups needed similar treatment. This led researchers to conclude that those with A blood group are at a higher risk of corona infection than those in other blood groups. This study was recently published in Blood Advances.

Coronavirus: People with this blood group have lower risk of corona infection
Coronavirus: People with this blood group have lower risk of corona infection, research reveals Image Source: Royalty free Creative Commons

Which blood group has the lowest risk of infection?

According to recent studies and earlier research, people with the O blood group are at a lower risk of Covid-19 infection and less vulnerable to the disease. Experts believe that different blood groups have different effects on our circulatory system and change the way blood clots form in the body. According to a French medical research body, individuals with O blood group have a lower risk of developing blood clots.

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