Vitamin D and COVID 19: The Evidence for Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus (SARS CoV 2)
Professor Roger Seheult, MD explains the important role Vitamin D may have in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Dr. Seheult illustrates how Vitamin D works, summarizes the best available data and clinical trials on vitamin D, and discusses vitamin D dosage recommendations. Roger Seheult, MD is the co-founder and lead professor at He is an Associate Professor at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine and Assistant Prof. at Loma Linda University School of Medicine Dr. Seheult is Quadruple Board Certified: Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine Interviewer: Kyle Allred, Producer and Co-Founder of MedCram Kyle Allred:
Dr. Seheult, you've advocated for vitamin D as a
potential way to prevent COVID-19 infections to prevent severe COVID-19 infections.
You've talked about this for a few months now and over the past several months,
the evidence continues to grow. There are more and more publications in peer-reviewed
medical journals about the possible connection between vitamin D and COVID-19. So
you've put together a presentation for us. Tell us about what your presentation's
all about.
Dr. Seheult:
Yeah! thanks, Kyle. So we've been talking about vitamin D
as a potential therapeutic agent for COVID-19 since March, and since that time a
lot of other people have become involved in looking at that agent, as well a number
of research studies have been done, and the purpose of this is to sort of look at
the evolution and the thinking of the use of vitamin D in COVID-19. So what we do
is we look back even before COVID-19 and what was the evidence for vitamin D in
acute chest infections, for instance influenza, and what was the data there? And
then we look at the epidemiological evidence for vitamin D as a therapeutic agent
in COVID-19, and then finally moving along to actual cases, hospitalizations, and
then we build up with that hierarchy of evidence with vitamin D and COVID-19 to
randomized placebo-controlled trials, which of course are the gold standard for
Okay, so let's talk about vitamin D. The first thing you've got to
understand is that vitamin D is not just a vitamin. Vitamin D is actually a hormone
and if you notice here by the structure you'll see that it is a steroid hormone,
which means it can go into the nucleus. It can go through membranes and make effective
changes and, specifically, the vitamin D receptor is a member of this nuclear receptor/steroid
hormone super family and so, as you can see here, we have vitamin D going through
the membrane and affecting a binding to the receptor and then it actually goes into
the nucleus, where it can affect transcriptional change. This is really important.
So this is not just some vitamin that you need to supplement with; this is actually
a hormone that changes the way your cells in the body actually behave.
this idea unique to vitamin D or does this happen with other vitamins? And in addition
to that what are some of the main differences between a vitamin and a hormone?
Good question. So, you know, a vitamin is actually a shortened version
of a vital amine, vital meaning you need it to live and an amine is a type of chemical
compound. You know, vitamin D is not even an amine. Of course it’s vital, but it's
not as if you need a certain amount of this substance to just keep the body going
and doing what it needs to do. No, I mean vitamin D is so much more complex than
that. We used to think that vitamin D was just involved in calcium regulation, and
that is certainly true there's no question about that, but vitamin D is so much
more than that. It's a fat soluble vitamin, which means it can pass through membranes
without any problem. It doesn't need to be regulated. It can bind with the receptor
and go directly into the cellular portion, the nucleus in fact, and actually cause
or prevent transcription of RNA, and we've seen that there are vitamin D receptors
in numerous cell types, including the cell types of the immune system. So in that
sense, it is a hormone but in another sense, you can only produce enough of this
if you have enough sunlight or if you're taking this in a dietary supplement form.
You can't make this without sunlight or getting a dietary form, so in that sense
it is vital that you have it, and in the loose sense it is a vitamin. So to get
to your second question about hormones and vitamins, hormones are something that
the body uses to signal and to make effect changes throughout the body. For instance,
insulin is a hormone. Cortisol is a hormone. These things circulate through the
body and they have different effects on different target tissues. Vitamins are more
along the lines of something that you need as a co-factor or something else to get
something to work, and so in that sense vitamin d is certainly a vitamin because
your body needs it in order to live but in other sense, it's so much more than just
the vitamin. So how do you get this vitamin D? I know this looks a little complicated,
but bear with me. The key that you need to understand is that it's the 1,25(OH)2
vitamin D that's the active form, and it says here that it does come from the kidneys,
but in fact we now know that the rate limiting step that puts that one hydroxyl
group on is not just in the kidneys; it's also in the immune cells, and it can actually
put that on and have effective change in your immune cells themselves. So let's
talk a little bit about how this happens. So there's basically two ways you can
get vitamin D into your diet. You can either eat it through a supplementation, swallow
it, you can take pills, it's also found in fish oil, certain types of mushrooms,
egg yolks, and also red meat, or the majority of people get vitamin D into their
system from the sun.
Why is that?
Because ultraviolet B radiation penetrates down
deep into the dermis, where this cholesterol derivative is converted into pre-vitamin
D3 and then finally into vitamin D. Now that vitamin D3, after it's produced by
the sun, goes to the liver and the 25-hydroxyl gets put onto it. This species here,
the 25-hydroxy vitamin D, is what we actually measure in the blood. Whether you
get it from diets or whether you get it from the sun, there's two ways of getting
it, but this is how we can measure it, and that's how you're going to see it measured
and reported in the rest of this presentation is 25(OH)D. This is kind of like the
storage product in your body. It's fat soluble, it is stored in the fat, then when
it's needed, it can either go to the immune system where it's converted into 1,25(OH)2D,
which is the active form, or it can go to the kidney and it can be converted there
to 1,25(OH)2D. Now the one in the kidney is usually used for metabolism of calcium
and phosphorus and things of that nature, but there's a whole other area. In fact,
they found many vitamin D receptors in the leukocytes or the white blood cells,
your immune cells, in the body. Now, the other thing you ought to know is that this
1.25()H)2D, which is the active form, can be inactivated when they put a hydroxyl
group ("they" being the 24-hydroxylase enzyme) can inactivate it by hydroxylatin
24 position could also do it here with 25 hydroxy from the kidney as well. So this
is the inactive form. There is some evidence and if you want more information about
this, look at COVID-19 update 83 in our MedCram series, and you'll see that high
fructose corn syrup actually can accelerate this inactivation of both the 125-dihydroxy
vitamin D and also the 25-hydroxy vitamin D to the inactive form, so that's not
to say that other sugars with fructose couldn't do that, but that’s what the studies
showed that we presented in update 83. So you may be supplementing, you may be out
in the sun, but if you have a diet that's high in high fructose corn syrup, and
I'm not talking about fructose from fruits and vegetables, but actually high fructose
corn syrup, that is something that can cause problems and you may not get enough
125 dihydroxy vitamin D. We'll put a link to that video number 83.
Okay, so you
may ask, "Well what's the problem?
I mean, if we just need to go out in the
sun and get plenty of vitamin D, why is this issue?" Well, the issue is that
if you were to look at recent studies that look at how often we here in the United
States and, in fact, around the world spend outdoors, it's actually pretty small
-- 7.6 percent of the day we spend outdoors. The problem is in the winter time,
the sun gets up late and goes down early, and also it's not as high in the sky as
it should be to get that direct radiation of ultraviolet B, and so it's coming at
an angle. You don't get very good exposure and, in fact, for those people who are
living above the 35th parallel or living below the 35th parallel in the southern
hemisphere, this can be a very significant issue. The 35th parallel, for those who
don't know, sort of runs through the middle of the United States. Now some suggest
that this may be the reason why we see an increase in viral infections in the winter
time -- whether it's in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere, winter
time is when you're having less sun exposure.
But couldn't this also be explained,
could the increase in viral infections also be explained, by just people spending
more time indoors in close confinement? You know windows closed and potential for
spread that way, among other potential confounding variables?
Dr. Seheult:
it certainly is possible. One of the things that goes against that though, Kyle,
is that for instance in the United States in the winter time, in California, for
instance, southern California, it rarely gets cold enough that you have to be indoors,
but we still see an increase in spike in influenza during that time. What is certain
though in California and, this is where the 35th parallel sort of runs right through
southern California, is studies have shown that if you live above the 35th parallel,
you can't really get enough vitamin D just by sun exposure in the winter time. So
while it is possible that there could be confounders. We're seeing the sunlight
exposure correlating with the increase in infectious diseases. I would note if you
look at this graphic from the CDC in terms of statistics, we see that in just the
very months where we have vitamin D deficiency is where we have spikes and increases
in influenza, so we've got good data that shows that a major cause of vitamin D
deficiency is inadequate exposure to sunlight. Also have good data that we'll talk
about that there is an association between vitamin D and the BMI, and that patients
with kidney disease, just like we see in COVID-19 can lose vitamin D3 out of their
system.We also have good data that for more than a century, vitamin D deficiency
has been suggested to increase the susceptibility to infections, and when you look
at the extreme vitamin D deficiencies, for instance in children with nutritional
rickets, they also had an increased risk of respiratory tract infections or RTIs,
and as we talked about the seasonality of these RTIs and low 25-hydroxy vitamin
D levels during winter time has been suggested as the seasonal stimulus for these
infections, and if this is so, obviously this would be a major public health factor.
And as we talked about, vitamin D may play an increased role in calcium metabolism;
it may actually play a role as stimulation of the innate immune system and other
immune functions. As we talked about this VDR, or this vitamin D receptor, has been
shown to be present in myeloid and lymphoid lineage cells, and these are the cells
that are important in fighting off COVID-19,for instance, monocytes and neutrophils.
We also got good evidence that shows that vitamin D may enhance the expression of
human cathelicidin, which is an antimicrobial peptide which is of specific importance
in host defenses against, specifically, respiratory tract pathogens. So one of the
things that you've got to understand right off the bat, and it makes a little confusing,
is that different parts of the world measure vitamin D or 25-hydroxy vitamin D in
your blood using different units.
So throughout this talk you're going to see 25-hydroxy
vitamin D levels being reported in two types of units:
- one is nanograms per milliliter
- the other one is nanomoles per liter (nmol/L)
and, frankly, you're going
to see both of those being used, and I don't want you to get too hung up on these
levels here because a lot of different organizations have their own thoughts on
what should be deficient, insufficient, and optimal. This is really just to give
you an idea about where those ranges exist. Sometimes historically they'll ask for
your vitamin D levels to be higher if they're treating heart disease or cancer,
and then generally speaking, vitamin D levels greater than 100 nanograms per milliliter
are just too high, and you have to be careful when it gets into that range. Now
some other places they'll measure in something called nanomoles per liter, and actually
if you just want a quick way of converting you simply multiply by 2.5 and you'll
get these numbers here, which are a legitimate way of measuring it, but not one
that we're maybe used to. But you might see it, so just make sure when you see studies
and they report 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels that you're understanding what units
they're using, so you can make sense of it. Okay, so let's take a look at the evidence.
We'll sort of start out with observational studies and we'll end up with randomized
prospective controlled trials. So we knew very early on, this is a paper that was
published back in 1985 looking at vitamin D and age, and what we found was that
as you get older, the ability for your skin to produce vitamin D3 drops by more
than twofold as you get up into the 70s and the 80s. The other thing that we knew
from a long time ago back in 2012 is that there is a difference in terms of vitamin
D and race or skin color. Here you can see the graph looking at different levels
of vitamin D. Here's less than 10 here's 11 to 20, 21 to 30, and greater than 30.
And these bars simply represent white is white, black is black, and the gray are
Mexican- Americans. This is a study that was done in the United States, and what
you can see here in this observational study, greater than 30, which would be considered
to be adequate, the majority of that population is white. As we go down below 20,
in this range, that the people that make up the majority of this population are
disproportionately darker skinned people, so this is certainly a public health issue
that needs to be addressed. Another thing that we've known about for some time,
for about 20 years at least, is vitamin D and BMI.
Of course, vitamin D is a fat
soluble vitamin, and as such it's going to be stored in the fat. And so if you have
a lot of adipose tissue or fat, then you're going to have a larger capacity to hold
vitamin D, which means you're going to have less soluble vitamin D to be used. This
is a direct quote from this study, "because humans obtain most of their vitamin
D requirement from exposure to sunlight, the greater than 50 decreased bio availability
of cutaneously synthesized vitamin D in the obese subjects could account for the
consistent observation by us and others that obesity is associated with vitamin
D deficiency.
Oral vitamin D should be able to correct the vitamin D deficiency
associated with obesity, but larger than usual doses may be required for very obese
patients." Okay, so where are we right now with vitamin D supplementation?
Currently there's no international consensus. We know that supplementation of vitamin
D can help in terms of fractures. Now there are some studies that show that vitamin
D may be associated with increased risk of myocardial infarction, but in actuality
those studies were related more to calcium supplementation with or without vitamin
D, so not a direct association.
The target for prevention of fractures is around
30 to 40 nanograms per milliliter and that, if you have levels greater than 150
nanograms per milliliter, that is associated with hypercalcemia. So what do people
say? There's some people that say you should take 4,000 international units or less;
some others say up to 10,000 international units. There's not really a consensus.
There are some recommendations from the endocrinology society, and we will discuss
Okay so let's look at the evidence of vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency
and mortality from studies that were done not on COVID, but prior to COVID, but
still looking at respiratory diseases. So here's an interesting study that was done
looking at about 10,000 patients in Germany with 50- to 70-year-olds. It was prospective,
so that's definitely a positive for this study, but it was an observational study,
so they weren't intervening here, and look at the years for follow-up: 15-year follow-up
in these patients. So let's take a look and see what they did. They measured these
patients in Germany and looked at their vitamin D levels, and you can see that here
on the x-axis. So again this is in nanomoles per liter, so you have to divide by
2.5 to get nanograms per milliliter, and generally they made some cutoffs here.
This was at 30 and this here was at 50. And so they said if you're greater than
50, then that's good. If you're in the middle portion that's 30 to 50 nanomoles
per liter, then that's sort of in the middle, and then here you've got less than
30. That's what they figured as deficient, and then they just followed them. They
just watch them and they see what they did, and they looked at the death certificates
after 15 years in these patients that started to die, and they wanted to see what
was it that they died from, and this is what they found: those people that had vitamin
D levels of greater than 50 had a better survival in terms of respiratory mortality
than those that had less than 30, and of course the 30 to 50 were somewhere in the
middle, but definitely statistically significant in terms of vitamin D levels predicting
respiratory mortality. In fact, from the study, they said statistically after adjustment
for sex age and season of blood draw, school education, smoking, BMI, physical activity
and fish consumption, 41 percent of the variability in respiratory mortality during
this 15-year follow-up period was independently associated with 25-hydroxy vitamin
D levels less than 50.
Well it's one thing to say that somebody with a specific
value has a likelihood of dying. It's quite another thing to say that number caused
the patient to end up that way. So in other words there's a difference between association
and causation. That's the first thing that you learn in medical school when you
take epidemiology. So here is a great meta-analysis that's often cited, and you
should keep an eye on. It was published in the British medical journal and they
did a meta-analysis.
They did a meta-analysis of many many different studies; they
pulled them together to see whether or not vitamin D supplementation in non-COVID
patients. These are patients that don't have COVID-19. These had regular respiratory
diseases like the flu and they wanted to see whether or not vitamin D supplementation
improved mortality, and so they looked at vitamin D supplementation. They looked
at about 25 randomized controlled trials. These are very good quality subjects and
what they found was that vitamin D supplementation did reduce the risk of acute
respiratory illnesses. Let's take a look at that data, so here you can see all of
the different studies that were done in the randomized controlled trials. Did the
studies say yes vitamin D had a benefit or no vitamin D did not have a benefit?
You can see those here on the right side showed that there was no benefit or is
actually worsening and those here on the left side show that there was a benefit
when they averaged all of the patients together in these studies they came up with
this final answer, here, which was less than one, which showed that there was a
benefit. Let me just quote to you from this study.
It was very large study -- landmark
study -- it says, "our study reports a major new indication for vitamin D supplementation:
the prevention of acute respiratory tract infection. We also show that people who
are very deficient in vitamin D and those receiving daily or weekly supplementation
without additional doses experienced a particular benefit. Our results add to the
body of evidence supporting the introduction of public health measures such as food
fortification to improve vitamin D status particularly in the setting where profound
vitamin D deficiency is common." So you can't really underestimate this study.
I mean,it looked at 25 randomized controlled trials, put them in a meta-analysis,
and it came up with this as a final analysis.
Here's another study. This one was
done in Japan, and it looked at a randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation
to prevent seasonal influenza A in school children, and this was done about 10 years
ago. There was 334 school children, each of them were given either 1200 international
units per day of vitamin D3, or they were given placebo and the end point was looking
for influenza A by doing nasal swab antigen testing, and what they found over a
winter season was that those subjects that got the supplemental vitamin D only had
a 10.8 percent prevalence of influenza A, whereas those that got placebo had an
18.6 incidence of influenza A, and the absolute risk reduction, simply the difference
between those two, is 7.8, which translates into a number needed to treat of 13.
That's a pretty darn low number, which means that this intervention is pretty powerful,
and you can see here the other related indices here showing that it was statistically
significant. So clearly here vitamin D supplementation in school children -- these
are children that would not normally necessarily be at risk for having vitamin D
deficiency -- but even in this population it was able to reduce the incidence of
influenza A. Okay, so let's talk about COVID itself and what we started to find
out early on in COVID-19 when we started to research this is some uncanny similarities
between what COVID-19 look like from a biochemical standpoint and what vitamin D
deficiency looks like from a biochemical standpoint. Now this doesn't prove anything,
but it certainly raises your eyebrows and you start to look a little bit closer,
because what we saw was that in both conditions IL-6 was elevated, tumor necrosis
factor alpha was elevated, gamma interferon was elevated in vitamin D deficiency
and also in COVID-19 late in the course. The Th1 adaptive response was also elevated
late in the course of COVID-19. We see both ACE2 expression reduced in both conditions
and a hypercoagulability in both, and so that gave us pause and started to see well
maybe vitamin D may play a role in COVID-19.
Would you expect vitamin D deficiency
to also mirror other viral infections, or is this something unique to COVID-19?
Dr. Seheult:
No, I think it could also mirror other types of infections we see this
during this time of year; we see increases in coronaviruses in general, rhinoviruses,
we also see it in in influenza. The one thing that we don't see in those other viruses,
however, Kyle, that we do see in COVID-19 is this hypercoagulable state. It's not
as pronounced as we're seeing it in COVID-19. There was a recent article that was
published in the New England Journal of Medicine, actually not recent it's been
a couple of months now, that showed that in autopsies in patients with COVID-19
compared to those who did not have COVID-19, there was a nine-fold increase in blood
clots in the lung tissue. So that is something that is very unique and then when
we started to look at the epidemiology of patients with COVID-19 again, more eyebrows
being raised, here's a pretty powerful study looking at 17 million, patients specifically
looking at about 10,000 COVID-19 deaths, and what do we see we see something really
interesting. If you look here at the age group this is nothing new. We know this
that those who are higher in age are more likely to die from COVID-19, and you can
see here the higher in age we go, the more risk there is in that category. We can
see that male gender has some risk as well. Here we see with obesity that as the
obesity level goes up, the risk starts to go up as well, and here we see again with
ethnicity, as we start to compare to caucasian or white, that all of these darker
skinned races have increased risk for death in COVID-19. And if you will remember,
these are exactly the same three things that we saw put people at risk for vitamin
D deficiency: both elderly age, increased obesity, and darker skin color, and so
one has to wonder, now is this coincidental or is this something else that we need
to investigate? Is it possible that vitamin D may have a role in the mortality and
morbidity of COVID-19?
So that was a great chart that you just showed about
different patient characteristics and hazard ratios associated with those patient
characteristics, and I was impressed by it and then I looked closer and I saw that
smoking status, specifically current smokers was actually a negative risk factor.
Presumably, these patients would have better outcomes than non-smokers. That made
me question the validity of this data, but what's your thought on this? How can
you explain that?
Dr. Seheult:
Oh! no i don't think it should make you question at
all. You know, early on we felt that it was the patients with lung disease that
were going to be the ones that were ending up in the hospital, but clearly that's
not the case. The type of people that we're seeing that are having severe reactions
from COVID are the ones with cardiovascular disease. This is a vascular inflammatory
condition, not one that necessarily hurts the lung from a respiratory standpoint.
There's several explanations for this; nicotine is is a known anti-inflammatory
and of course it's through inflammation that COVID does its dirty business. There's
also well-known in COVID-19 -- uh sorry -- in smoking increases in nitric oxide.
,Nitric oxide is a vasodilator so it may actually be beneficial in this sort of
a situation. Certainly not saying that we should go out and start smoking here,
certainly because there's other problems, but, Kyle, this isn't the first time that
we've had a disease where active smoking actually improves the outcome of the disease.
I mean look at ulcerative colitis; that's well known to have a more milder course
in patients who smoke, but it's not a reason to smoke, but it's not a reason to
say that the study is incorrect. Well then it starts to get even more interesting,
because when you start to look at countries and you start to look at populations,
we start to see something quite interesting. If we look at the equator, which is
right here at zero degrees latitude, as we start to move away from the equator we
start to have less direct sunlight, and we start to see here that populations as
a whole start to increase in terms of the mortality rates, and let me just read
you a quote from the study that was published here in just April. It says, "when
mortality per million is plotted against latitude, it can be seen that all countries
that lie below 35 degrees North have relatively low mortality. Thirty-five degrees
North also happens to be the latitude above which people do not receive sufficient
sunlight to retain adequate vitamin D levels during the winter. This suggests a
possible role for vitamin D in determining outcomes for COVID19.
There are outliers
of course -- mortality is relatively low in nordic countries -- but there vitamin
D deficiency is relatively uncommon, probably due to widespread use of supplements.
Italy and Spain, perhaps surprisingly, have relatively high prevalences of vitamin
D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency has also been shown to correlate with hypertension,
diabetes, obesity, and ethnicity -- all features associated with the increased risk
of severe COVID19." And here is another paper along the same lines. This one
published in May of 2020, titled "The role of vitamin D in the prevention of
coronavirus disease 2019 infection and mortality." So this study looked at
20 European countries looked at specifically the average vitamin D levels, looked
at COVID cases and also COVID mortality, and this of course was as of April of 2020.
So they looked at these 20 different countries and what they found was an inverse
relationship with this r and p value that showed that the higher the vitamin D levels
of that country, the lower the COVID-19 cases per million population. You can see
there a fairly straight line going through this plot. So once again, these are nanomoles
per liter, so you need to divide by 2.5 to get nanograms per deciliter.
Now this
is for cases, what about mortality?
Well they did the same thing for mortality and
it was very very similar, so again mean vitamin D levels that were very high had
almost zero percent mortality, whereas those that were very low, like around 40
to 50 in this situation, had a higher mean COVID-19 mortality per 1 million population.
Okay, well, what about these patients specifically? Here's a paper that was published
in nutrients, and it looked at 107 patients that were hospitalized in Switzerland,
and what they did was they looked at the vitamin D levels in those patients that
were positive for SARS-CoV-2 and those that were negative for SARS-CoV-2, and what
they found was that those that were negative for SARS-CoV-2 had higher vitamin D
levels than those that were positive for SARS-CoV-2, and this was statistically
significant, but of course again, this is an association and not necessarily a causation.
We see that it's associated with a low vitamin D level. It's possible that the SARS-CoV-2 infection
may be causing the vitamin D levels to go down, and that was the subject of a letter
to the editor titled -
"Vitamin D deficiency in COVID-19: Mixing up cause and
and what they were able to show here in about nine subjects when
they gave lipopolysaccharide to healthy volunteers, which is another way of inducing
the immune system, is that they found that plasma vitamin D levels did in fact drop
slightly, and if you look here at the scale it was on the order of maybe about five
points. They were able to show that when somebody has an infection or is undergoing
an immune response their vitamin D levels can drop and so it is possible but this
is a modest drop here. Something that we ought to keep in mind as we go forward
now of course the SARS-CoV-2 infection may cause a vitamin D level to go down, but
only after you've been infected. What about those people that have had vitamin D
levels checked well prior to them getting an infection? Well here's a study that
looked at low plasma 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels as an associated risk of increased
COVID-19 infection, and what they showed here they took 14,000 subjects with at
least one test for COVID-19 and a previous vitamin D, and what they found was that
they had to exclude about 6,000 of them because they did not have a former vitamin
D level and so 7,800 of them had a test for COVID-19 and had a vitamin D level on
record, and they were able to show that about 10 percent of these patients had positive
COVID-19 tests and about 90 did not, so what did they show here? They divided levels
of vitamin D at around 30, and so these are the people that were low here on the
left and these are the people here that were normal. Notice that there was a big
gap here, not a lot of people who were elderly and had normal vitamin D levels.
I found that very interesting, and when you look at this scattergram, you'll see
that the majority of the patients were actually in the lower amount, so they were
less than 30. So this is not like an insignificant or rare problem. So this flow
chart may look confusing at first, but if you look at this the point, is it's just
a tiny amount of the normal vitamin D levels that make up a portion of the positive
SARS-CoV-2 population. Here is another article as well from Israel that showed that
low plasma 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels were associated with an increased risk of
COVID-19 infection. This was a population-based study, again looking at baseline
vitamin D levels not ones that they were obtaining after they developed COVID-19
or had a COVID-19 test, and what they showed when adjusted for age and demographics
and comorbidities that vitamin D levels of 75+ compared to less than 75 had a significant
difference in terms of whether or not these patients would have either a SARS-CoV-2
infection or a COVID-19 hospitalization. In other words, if it was less than 75,
they were 1.45 times as likely to get an infection and almost two times more likely
to get hospitalization. So again this is in nanomoles per liter, so you have to
divide by 2.5 to get nanograms per milliliter, and here is yet another link between
vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 in a very large population, this time looking
at 52,000 matched to 524,000 controls that was matched for sex, age, and geographical
location, and what they showed here, this bell-shaped distribution in red are the
SARS-CoV-2 positives and of course, everybody else in gray, and there's definitely
a shift to the lower values of vitamin D and here in females, it even made a bigger
impact, the lower levels were definitely associated with SARS-CoV-2 positivity.
How do you explain that? Yes it's hard to say. Obviously, the differences between
men and women are very, very large in terms of hormones and things of that nature,
although it wouldn't be surprising if they found out that it had to do with hormone
levels. Recently they've been releasing information about pregnant women in COVID
and that pregnant women have a increased risk of severity and of course pregnant
women have elevated estrogen levels, progesterone levels, and so the question is,
why is that the case? We don't know, but it could be that it's accentuated in pregnancy.
Obviously when they're not pregnant, there is a baseline elevation in estrogen.
We're not seeing that in a baseline situation, but it could affect vitamin D because
vitamin D once again, just like estrogen, just like progesterone, is a steroid hormone,
so don't have a good answer for that at this point, and not to be outdone, the United
States also published theirs. This was a whopping study of almost 200,000 de-identified
test results from clinical laboratories looking at vitamin D levels and SARS-CoV-2
positivity, and so when you look at this, overall you can see very clearly that
vitamin D levels are inversely related to SARS-CoV-2 positivity rate with the lower
levels being associated with being positive for SARS-CoV-2, and you can see that
it's around 50 where it starts to take off and go up, and when they looked at this
to see whether or not something was generating this -- any particular part of the
country or age or anything like that --they found that it really did not matter
in terms of geography, that there was still the same relationship as you went down
in vitamin D levels, there was an increase in SARS-CoV-2 positivity rate, but interestingly,
there were higher rates of SARS-CoV-2 in the northern region of the United States,
above the 35th parallel, whereas in the central and southern states, it was relatively
low, but the relationship still existed. This also existed in terms of race, so
it didn't matter what race you were: if you had lower vitamin D levels you had an
increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 positivity, but again, the darker skinned races had
a higher risk of SARS-CoV-2 positivity with respect to the white baseline. Here
in this case in terms of age, again it really didn't matter whether age was greater
than 60 or less than 60, and here ironically it was higher in the younger age, because
we know that SARS-CoV-2 positivity is more prevalent in the younger populations,
but hospitalizations are more prevalent in the older populations, and then of course
again, it didn't matter whether you're male or female, as your vitamin D levels
go down your SARS-CoV-2 positivity goes up again this is showing an association,
not necessarily a causation.
That data looks impressive when it's charted
out, and it looks like there's a clear correlation between vitamin D levels and
COVID-19 infections, but this is observational data, and you've talked a lot about
in your COVID-19 updates about how observational data is really limited in a lot
of ways, and it really needs to be backed up by randomized placebo-controlled prospective
trials. Could it be that people that have higher vitamin D levels are also the people
that are more likely to take better care of themselves in general? They're more
likely to get outside, maybe they're healthy enough to actually get outside and
get some natural sunlight. Maybe they are people that are engaged enough in their
own health to actually take vitamin D supplements, eat a healthy diet in the first
Dr. Seheult:
Well on the surface it’s certainly possible. Yeah those people
in the middle class who have the ability to get outside are probably the ones also
that are going to take time and take care of themselves, but you know you also have
to take into consideration that this study is looking at everybody, not just those
who go outside because they choose to go outside, but those people who go outside
because they have to go outside, because they're laborers, because that's part of
their job. They have no choice but to go outside and I would say that those probably
outnumber those that go outside by choice, because it's a health issue and even
those patients who probably aren't taking care of themselves as well as middle class
people might be doing, they also, it seems as they fit into the same data, have
an improvement as well, and here is another study that was published this time with
105 patients that were hospitalized with COVID-19, and what they wanted to look
at here was progression. So of 105 patients that were admitted with COVID-19 type
symptoms, they found that those that were negative represented about 33 percent
and those that were positive represented 66.7 percent, and as you can see here the
average vitamin D level was lower in those positive SARS-CoV2 patients and higher
in the negative patients. So here, ostensibly, they're having the same immune reaction,
because they're coming with the same symptoms, but in this situation it is this
group that is SARS-CoV-2 positive, and they have lower vitamin D levels. Now when
you look at that and break it out and you see if their levels were less than 30
or greater than 30, those that had greater than 30 had lower peak d-dimer levels.
Why is that important? D-dimer is considered to be a risk factor for getting blood
clots in COVID-19. Also if you'll notice here that is the higher vitamin D levels
here that had a lower incidence of ventilator requirements. Okay so what does this
study show? It shows that potentially vitamin D levels are associated with a worse
outcome or worse course of SARS-CoV-2 in the hospital. Here's another study looking
at the very same thing in terms of vitamin D levels in the hospital and outcomes,
and you can see that when they divided the patients between vitamin D, less than
12, which is pretty low versus greater than 12, you can see here that the survival
probability in these patients when they set it to 12 was a huge difference in terms
of survival probability. When they changed it to 20, you can see also there was
still a difference in survival probability, but not to the same degree, and of course
they followed them out for about a hundred days in this trial. So once again, vitamin
D levels seem to be associated with a worse progression of the course of COVID-19
in the hospital. Okay, so up to this point we've been talking about how vitamin
D is associated with bad outcomes, but that doesn't say necessarily that it's the
cause of the bad outcomes. You have to be very, very careful when you say that something
is associated with something, because it could be due to any number of co-founders,
right? It could actually be that SARS-CoV-2 reduces the vitamin D level and we've
shown that that's the case acutely at least, but not necessarily chronically. It
could be that there's another factor that's causing both a susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2
infection and also a vitamin D level, and so if you just change the vitamin D level,
that won't necessarily make the SARS-CoV-2 any better, so we have to establish then
by doing a randomized controlled trial or interventional trials to show that if
you give vitamin D to somebody who is either pre-COVID or in COVD, that you can
get better outcomes, and that's exactly what they tried to do here in this Spanish
study that was published just in October of 2020. It is titled the "Effect
of calcifediol treatment and best available therapy versus best available therapy
on intensive care unit admission and mortality among patients hospitalized for COVID-19:
A pilot randomized clinical study." So what is calcifidiol?
This is important
for you to understand what that is. Calcifediol is the 25- hydroxy vitamin D3. This
is not what you normally take as a vitamin D supplement, because when you take a
vitamin D supplement, it has to be metabolized in the liver as we mentioned and
have the 25-hydroxyl group put on it. Here, calcifidiol already has the 25-hydroxy
group on it, so it doesn't need to be metabolized, it's ready for the one hydroxylase
enzyme to activate it and for it to be used. So it kind of speeds up the process,
and in this situation what they did was they took patients with COVID-19 and randomized
them to not receive calcifediol. So this is the placebo group, or receive calcifediol,
this is the intervention group, and what they found was that in the calcifediol
group, and so just so you're aware that they gave them a pretty high dose on day
one, then they gave it to them a few days later, and then again on day seven. What
they found was that in the intervention group, only two percent of those patients
went to the intensive care unit, whereas in the placebo group 50 of those went to
the intensive care unit. Now something you should understand is that this had a
total of 76 patients in it. 76 patients is not that much but I know that they are
planning on doing a much bigger clinical trial with about a thousand patients, and
here is another study that is really interesting because at least here I guess in
France what they do is every two to three months, they give about 80,000 international
units of vitamin D in these nursing home patients, so when these nursing home patients
started to be admitted to the hospital with COVID-19, they asked the question: did
this patient get this 80,000 units within the last month or has it been longer than
a month since they got it? And for those patients that had gotten it within the
last month, they had a much better survival than those that had gone further than
a month out, and this was 66 patients in this cohort, so sort of a quasi-experimental
study, because of the situation that these patients were in. Some have been given
recent vitamin D supplementation and some hadn't, and when they looked at that,
there was a statistically significant difference, as you can see here, p of 0.002.
Well here was another study. This was a multi-center, double-blinded, randomized
control trial and interestingly here, they looked at 240 patients, which is not
small, but what they did give them was on admission a whopping dose of 200,000 international
units of vitamin D3 or placebo, and what they wanted to see if there was any difference
in clinical outcomes. Well if you look here over on the right you'll see that the
blue group was the intervention group. That was the one that received the vitamin
D, and you can see that there was a statistically significant increase in their
circulating 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels in the placebo group. There was no difference,
and so despite the fact that their circulating levels of vitamin D went up, there
were no differences in clinical outcomes including mortality or ventilator days.
A couple of criticisms of the study is they only gave one dose, and why is that
a criticism? Well if you look at that original British Medical Journal meta-analysis
that we talked about at the beginning of the video, they made a point of saying
that it was basically repeated doses on a daily basis or on a weekly basis, not
bolus dosing, which seemed to help. The second criticism is that even in medications
that we give that we know work like antibiotics and bacterial infections; we don't
just give one whopping dose of antibiotics and hope that they improve. The other
thing was that this was given rather late. Remember that the vitamin D3 has to be
metabolized in the liver to the 25-hydroxy vitamin D, and that can take some time
as well. The most recent study that's come out though was this one from India titled
"Short term, high-dose vitamin D supplementation for COVID-19 disease: a randomized,
placebo-controlled trial." This is also known as the shade study and here they
looked at 40 COVID-19 positive patients and here they gave 60,000 units daily for
seven days and they gave 24 patients placebo, so the total here was 16 got the intervention,
24 controls got the placebo, and in terms of their outcomes, they were looking at
how many of them were SARS-CoV-2 negative by day 21 and were there any biomarker
reductions, and so the results were that 62.5 percent versus 20.8 percent were SARS-CoV-2
negative by day 21 in the intervention group, and those that got vitamin D and fibrinogen,
which is a surrogate for inflammation was significantly decreased in the intervention
group as well, and while we're on the topic of critically ill COVID-19 patients
and inflammatory markers here's a study that was just published in November looking
at just that with vitamin D levels you see here that there was a group A that was
admitted to a hospital. These were basically people who were asymptomatic for the
12 days. These patients were admitted to the hospital, but to an isolation ward
not because they needed hospitalization and group A are those asymptomatics that
were there for 12 days with no symptoms, and there was a total of 91 of those patients.
The B were those that were admitted to the intensive care unit; there's about 63
patients of those a total of 154 in the study; you can see here those patients with
greater than 20 nanograms per milliliter of vitamin D were much more prevalent in
the asymptomatic group, and those that had serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels less
than 20 were predominant here in group B, and we can see that those patients that
had low vitamin D levels had significantly higher il-6 had almost statistically
significantly higher tumor necrosis factor alpha, and had higher serum ferritin
levels, which is also a surrogate for inflammatory markers in COVID-19. Secondary
endpoint was low vitamin D levels in fatality rates, and there was a really big
difference between those that had low vitamin D levels and those that had normal
vitamin D levels, and this led the authors to state this: this all translates into
increased mortality in vitamin D deficient COVD-19 patients. As per the flexible
approach in the current COVID-19 pandemic authors recommend mass administration
of vitamin D supplements to populations at risk for COVID-19." So what about
it? What about supplementation of vitamin D? Are you taking it seriously? Well even
before COVID-19, certain countries were taking this seriously and here's a review
that was done out of Helsinki, Finland, titled "Vitamin D fortification of
Fluid Milk Products and Their Contribution to Vitamin D Intake and Vitamin D Status
in Observational Studies." There are a number of different countries and they
have different approaches. For instance, in Finland, the type of fortification in
their food is voluntary, but as it turns out, everybody's doing it, and so it's
as if it were mandatory in Norway. It is voluntary in Sweden. It is mandatory in
Canada. It is mandatory, however, in the United States. It's voluntary, so some
manufacturers of fluid milk, acidified milk, and cultural milk, and even yogurt,
do put vitamin D in those foodstuffs. However, in Ireland, they do not and this
is what one of the commentators on the Irish longitudinal study on aging had to
say about vitamin D in their study. They say Ireland does not have any formal vitamin
D food policy. We practice a voluntary, but not mandatory food fortification policy
where food manufacturers can decide to fortify or not their food products with vitamin
D. The vitamin D status of those in Ireland is lower than either the United States
or Canada, who have systemic mass vitamin D food fortification.
However, vitamin
D deficiency is not inevitable in older adults in Ireland and the ability to have
sufficient vitamin D status year-round is an achievable goal that many countries
meet. For example, another European country, Finland, which is at a much higher
latitude and therefore receives less sunshine than Ireland, has virtually eliminated
vitamin D deficiency in its population with rates of less than one percent. This
is due in part to a successful food fortification and vitamin D supplementation
policy and educating the public and medical practitioners on the importance of vitamin
D. This vitamin D success story demonstrates what could be achieved in Ireland.
It can happen in other places as well.
Okay, so when it comes to supplementation,
let's see what the guidelines are. This is the endocrine society clinical practice
guidelines that were published back in 2011. And if you look under the heading, recommended
dietary intakes for vitamin D for patients at risk for vitamin D deficiency, and
you go on down to the bottom, you'll see here, under 2.6, their recommendations.
And let's go over what those recommendations are as you can see, unless you're a
child then basically what they're saying is that 4,000 international units a day
for anyone greater than 8 years of age is the upper limit for supplementation with
vitamin D without medical supervision.
So another question is exactly what are they
worried about? What is the frequency? What is the relevance of vitamin D toxicity?
Well to get a better understanding of that, we go to a publication in Frontiers
in Endocrinology out of Poland, and in this article, it states that the Endocrine
Society and the Institute of Medicine have both stated that vitamin D toxicity is
extremely rare, and that concentrations usually of 25-hydroxy vitamin D have to
exceed 150 nanograms per milliliter, which is 375 nanomoles per liter, and not only
that, there has to be increased calcium intake, and so because it's very rare. It's
led them to state that they believe that vitamin D is probably one of the least
toxic fat soluble vitamins, much less toxic than vitamin A, and a researcher, Didenkov,
looked at 20,000 serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D samples at the Mayo Clinic from 2002
to 2011 to look and see whether or not there was actually any evidence of vitamin
D toxicity, and out of those 20,000 only one patient with a 25-hydroxy vitamin D
concentration of 364 nanograms per milliliter, which is a whopping 910 nanomoles
per liter, was diagnosed with hypercalcemia. Similarly, another researcher looked
at healthy adults in a clinical setting that were receiving 50,000 units of vitamin
D2 every two weeks, which is approximately equal to 3,300 international units a
day for up to six years, and their concentrations were only 40 to 60 nanograms per
milliliter and they had no evidence of vitamin D toxicity. This also goes along
with a study in Canada where they researched Canadians taking up to 20,000 international
units of vitamin D3 per day, and they had significant increases of 25-hydroxy vitamin
D concentrations up to 60 nanograms per milliliter, but again without any evidence
of toxicity.
So it looks as though based on that data that supplementation is relatively
safe, but how much should you supplement, and does it make a difference about your
BMI? Well, this was an interesting article that was published titled, "The
Importance of Body Weight for the Dose Response Relationship of Oral Vitamin D Supplementation
and Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in Healthy Volunteers." In relation to this study,
they took 17,000 patients and looked at vitamin D levels, and there was a wide range
of vitamin D levels in this population anywhere from four nanograms per milliliter
to 158 nanograms per milliliter, and people were supplementing anywhere from nothing
to 55,000 international units a day, and what they found was pretty interesting.
They found that early on supplementation per thousand international units brought
up people's levels pretty quickly, but then as the amount of supplementation started
to go up, the levels started to go up more slowly, such that in the first thousand
units that you take as a supplement, each thousand units would increase the level
in your blood by 4.8 nanograms per milliliter, but if you got up to the 10,000 range
or the 50,000 range, even 15,000 to 20,000 range, 1,000 units would only raise it
up by about a tenth of that, or 0.4 nanograms per milliliter, so in other words
down here, a thousand international units when taking a low amount would raise your
level by 4.8 nanograms per milliliter, but if you're already taking a large amount,
each additional increase by a thousand international units would only raise it by
about a tenth of that, so you can see that there is definitely a non-linear relationship
Furthermore, BMI also had a lot to play in this as well. So for those that
are normal BMI, and that by definition is less than 25, and then you have overweight,
and that is 26 to 30, and then you have obesity, which is 30 plus. What they found
in comparison to a normal BMI was, first of all, generally overweight people were
on average three nanograms per milliliter less in terms of their serum vitamin d,
and that obese patients were eight milligrams per deciliter. Now it gets even more
complicated there, because what they found was that it took more vitamin D to get
them up to a regular level than would be expected if they were overweight or obese.
In fact, their recommendations is that for people who are overweight they should
take 1.5 times what is normally recommended to get their vitamin D levels up, and
for those that are obese, have a BMI of greater than 30, it actually is 3.0 times
as much, and that might be related to the fact that vitamin D, of course, is fat
soluble. So there are a lot of things to take into consideration and this is a moving
target. Also take under consideration the fact that currently we are moving into
winter months, but again these all need to be parsed with the season and weight
and age and all of those sorts of things that we talked about. Now while this is
a distribution of vitamin D in Germany. I'm sure it's not very different from what
it is here in the United States, and as you can see 50 millimoles per liter is really
on the low side, and that would correlate with about 20 nanograms per milliliter.
So you can see here how significant that severe deficiency in 25-hydroxy vitamin
D can be. There are a number of people that are at deficiency based on this. I feel
not only is there a role for all of us to be taking vitamin D supplementation at
least during the winter months, but I also feel strongly that practitioners in the
hospital may want to look at this in terms of their treatment of patients in the
hospital. Now I do not have randomized controlled trial data yet, conclusively,
that shows that this works, but if we look at the risks of vitamin D supplementation
and the potential benefits, I think the benefit-to-risk ratio is high.
Dr. Fauci
himself is supplementing with vitamin D, and while there are certain groups of people
that should be very careful with supplementing with vitamin D, such as patients
with sarcoid or other granulomatous diseases, or patients with renal issues, without
discussing at first with their doctors, I do see a role for supplementation, especially
in this winter season when COVID is running rampant. I can't tell you as an individual
how much vitamin D to take, because I'm not your doctor, and I'm not here to give
you medical advice, but I am still taking 5,000 international units daily, and when
I had my levels checked, when I was taking 2,000 international units daily, my level
was only 48 nanograms per milliliter, and I am living in sunny southern California.
I plan on making more videos about what I am doing, and what I think we should all
be doing in terms of protecting ourselves from COVID-19.
Please share this with
as many of your loved ones as possible, because I think this could potentially be
beneficial in our fight against COVID-19, and for more information, visit us at
REFERENCES: The National Human Activity Pattern Survey (NHAPS)... (J. of Exposure A. and Env. Epidem.) | Aging decreases the capacity of human skin to produce vitamin D3 (The J. of Clin. Invest.) | Racial differences in the relationship between vitamin D... (Osteoporosis Int.) | Decreased bioavailability of vitamin D in obesity (The American J of Clin. Nutrition) | Vitamin D Insufficiency and Deficiency and Mortality from Respiratory Diseases ... (Nutrients) | Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis... (BMJ) | Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza A... (The American J.of Clin. Nutrition) | Vitamin D and SARS-CoV-2 infection... (Irish J. of Med. Sci.) | Factors associated with COVID-19-related death... (Nature) | Editorial: low population mortality from COVID-19 ... (Alimentary Pharm. & Therap.) | The role of vitamin D in the prevention of coronavirus ... (Aging Clin. & Exper. Res.) | 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations Are Lower in Patients with ... SARS-CoV-2 (Nutrients) | Vitamin D deficiency in COVID-19: Mixing up cause and consequence (Metabolism) | Low plasma 25(OH) vitamin D level... increased risk of COVID-19... (The FEBS J.) | The link between vitamin D deficiency and Covid-19... | SARS-CoV-2 positivity rates... with circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels (PLOS One) | Vitamin D status and outcomes for... COVID-19 (Post. Med. J.) | Vitamin D Deficiency and Outcome of COVID-19... (Nutrients) | “Effect of calcifediol treatment...” (J. of Steroid Bio. Molec. Bio.) | Vitamin D and survival in COVID-19 patients... (J. of Steroid Bio. Molec. Bio.) | Effect of Vitamin D3 ... vs Placebo on Hospital Length of Stay...: A Multicenter, Double-blind, RCT | Short term, high-dose vitamin D... for COVID-19 disease: RCT [SHADE study] (Postgrad. Med. Journal) | Association of Vitamin D Status... With COVID-19 Test Results (JAMA Network Open) | Evaluation, treatment, and prevention of vitamin D deficiency: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline (JCEM) | Vitamin D Fortification of Fluid Milk ... A Review (Nutrients) | Analysis of vitamin D level among asymptomatic and critically ill COVID-19 patients... (Scientific Reports from the Journal Nature) |
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