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Sunday, January 31, 2021

Corona: Virus paralyzes lungs in few hours, scientists get infected by drugs

Corona: Virus paralyzes lungs in few hours, scientists get infected by drugs

Corona: Virus paralyzes lungs in few hours, scientists get infected by drugs

Symptoms of new corona virus-

Many scientists, including Boston University in the United States, have discovered how the corona virus damages the lungs in just a few hours. He then concluded that 18 existing drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could be used against Kovid-19.
Scientists have so far drawn up a comprehensive blueprint for the molecular activity occurring within thousands of lung cells at the onset of a viral infection, which may help in the development of new drugs to combat Kovid-19. . This test found that 18 of the FDA's current drugs could be used against the corona virus.

Five drugs can stop the spread up to 90 percent

He said that five of these drugs can reduce the spread of corona virus in human lung cells by up to 90 percent. This research has been published in the journal 'Molecular Cell'. Scientists involved in this research simultaneously infected thousands of human lung cells developed in the laboratory and observed their activities. These cells are not exactly similar to the cells of the body, but resemble them.
Five drugs can stop the spread of Corona Virus up to 90 percent

An eye kept from an hour after infecting

Virus scientist and research co-author Elke Mühlberger at Boston University said the research monitored the virus one hour after infecting lung cells. He said that it was quite scary to see that the virus started damaging the cells early in the infection.

The virus cannot make copies, so it makes copies of its genetic material through the mechanisms of cells. Scientists in the research found that when SARS-COV-2 infection occurs, it completely changes the metabolic process of the cell. The virus also damages the cell's molecular membrane (membrane) within three to six hours of infection. Mühlberger pointed out that cells infected with the deadly Ebola virus, by contrast, did not initially show any structural changes. Also, the membrane at the later stage of infection was well maintained.

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