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Sunday, October 18, 2020

7 sleeping positions that reveal what you are suffering from!!!

7 sleeping positions that reveals what you are suffering from...

7 sleeping positions that reveal what you are suffering from!!!
Until recently, the positions taken at bedtime did not attract as much attention as other subjects.
However, numerous investigations have confirmed that sleep postures can affect both health and quality of life. Fatigue, heartburn, headaches, back and sleep apnea, among others, are among the complaints that are most aggravated if you have an incorrect posture. In addition, if you want to keep the bust firm and the skin wrinkle free, the back plays a very important role.

1. Sleep on the back

This is one of the most convenient postures at bedtime, as it improves the health of the spine and prevents neck pain and acid reflux. This position improves the position of the head, neck and spine, and provides support for the entire skeletal muscle system. The drawback is that it often causes the tongue to fall back and block the airway, which can lead to loud snoring and possibly sleep apnea. In that case it is better to sleep on your side. If sleeping on your back causes pain in it, you can place a pillow or rolled towel under the knees to follow the natural curvature of the spine.

7 sleeping positions that reveal what you are suffering from

2. With arms raised

Sleeping with your arms over your head is something you should never do, since there are several problems about it. First, the extended arms raise the shoulders towards the neck and cause cramps, poor circulation, and various pains. They also compress the brachial nerve, which travels from the neck to the arms and hands. Second, if the nerves are irritated, they are inhibited or excited. It is a neurological and vascular response that produces tingling or numbness in the arms or hands. That is what we call "dead" or "asleep" arm.

7 sleeping positions that reveal what you are suffering from

3. Sleep on your side

It is recommended to sleep on your side to improve sleep quality, reduce snoring and prevent sleep apnea. If you suffer from acid reflux, this posture is the best along with sleeping on your back. Pregnant women do it to reduce pressure on the aorta and increase circulation, which benefits both the mother and the baby. The disadvantage of this position is the dreaded "sleeping arm", and is not recommended for those who have shoulder girdle problems. You can always use a pillow of moderate height to support the head and prevent stiffness and cramping. Try to sleep on your left side if you have hypertension, and if you are prone to kidney stones, on the other side.

7 sleeping positions that reveal what you are suffering from

4. On the stomach

This way improves digestion and fixes snoring and sleep apnea, because the airways open. So if you snore and don't suffer from spinal cord injuries, neck or back pain, you can try to sleep on your belly. However, the neck will be hyper flexed and pressure is exerted on the nerves of the arms. In addition you will not be able to breathe well because the weight of your body compresses the lungs and prevents full expansion. Unless you learn to breathe through the pillow, you will not be able to endure all night or you will get up with a great neck pain. Use a thin pillow to prevent neck rotation, or place it under the hips.

7 sleeping positions that reveal what you are suffering from

5. Fetal position

This position greatly benefits pregnant and snoring women, but with the knees raised and the chin dropped to the chest, it can affect the back and neck quite a bit. In addition, snuggling too much also restricts breathing, so arthritic people are not recommended. If you like to sleep like this, try to straighten up a bit and not put your body in a tight curl. Also use a stuffed pillow to support the head and neck.

7 sleeping positions that reveal what you are suffering from

6. The trunk

This position is nothing more than a variant of sleeping on one side of the body and, as such, offers basically the same benefits. Lying on one side with the arms down, this posture maintains neutral body alignment, allowing the spine to lengthen. It also does not compromise breathing at all and can definitely reduce back and neck pain, as well as sleep apnea. This is one of the most recommended by doctors specializing in the field.

7 sleeping positions that reveal what you are suffering from

7. Sideways with arms forward

Another variation of the position mentioned above, which involves sleeping on one side with your arms extended. This helps to achieve the optimal position of the spine, muscles and ligaments. Having your arms forward does not restrict blood flow and helps prevent numbness or tingling. So what is the best position to sleep? You can experiment with different postures, but you must be clear that modifying your natural inclination, unless it is for a health condition, will negatively affect the quality of your sleep.

7 sleeping positions that reveal what you are suffering from

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