The Most Common Signs of Pregnancy for Women
It's too late for menstruation and wondering if you are pregnant or not? The first sign of pregnancy that is most often known is a delayed menstrual cycle.
However, there are also women who have irregular menstrual cycles so that she is not aware of her pregnancy. To make it easier, here are the characteristics of pregnancy from the most common to rarely experienced by women.
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Most Common Signs of Pregnancy for Women |
However, there are also women who have irregular menstrual cycles so that she is not aware of her pregnancy. To make it easier, here are the characteristics of pregnancy from the most common to rarely experienced by women.
The most common signs of pregnancy for women
The easiest way to find out if you are pregnant or not is by using a pregnancy test kit or a test pack. But before that, the body actually has issued a signal or sign of pregnancy that can be recognized by you.
Here are some of the most common signs of pregnancy for women.
This is because menstruation and pregnancy start from the same process, namely the dropping of an adult egg from the ovary (ovary) to the uterus.
The difference is the presence or absence of sperm that enter to fertilize. If there is, the fertilized egg will stick to the uterine wall and continue to develop into a baby within 9 months.
If not, the egg will shed along with the lining of the uterus out of the vagina, which is called menstruation.
If you have had sex and are menstruating for 5-7 days late, this can indicate the fertilization process is already underway. Then develop into a fetus.
After implantation, your body will release the HCG hormone which is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy.
This hormone also tells the ovaries to stop producing new eggs when you are pregnant. Therefore, no egg cell decays into menstrual blood.
However, it should be understood that late menstruation can also be caused by hormonal imbalance, not always a sign of pregnancy.
In the first weeks of pregnancy, your breasts feel bigger, heavier, firmer, and harder than usual. The breasts may also feel more sensitive and painful, as well as tight.
In addition, other signs of pregnancy, appearing vein lines in the area around the nipple. The areola of the nipple may also turn darker and wider in size.
These signs of pregnancy occur due to hormonal changes. Swollen breasts and blackened nipples because pregnancy hormones increase blood flow to the area in preparation for milk production.
Pregnancy traits begin at 4-6 weeks of gestation, while the nipple and areola discoloration begins around the 11th week of pregnancy.
Reporting from the American Pregnancy Association (APA), more than 50 percent of pregnant women experience morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Some pregnant women will continue to experience these pregnancy signs until the second trimester or even preparation for delivery.
But even though it's called morning sickness, this condition can also occur throughout the day, afternoon, or night. The characteristics of this one pregnancy generally only appear after the pregnancy enters the 6th week. This occurs due to the increase in the pregnancy hormone, namely the Beta HCG hormone in your body
There are also some pregnant women who experience these signs of pregnancy sooner, namely in the 2nd week or immediately after conception.
Morning sickness will slowly subside as your pregnancy progresses.
Many young pregnant women experience signs of pregnancy such as easily feeling dizzy, nauseous and vomiting, or even being damaged immediately just because they smell a certain smell.
In fact, they may not feel bothered by the smell before becoming pregnant. This condition also affects pregnant women during cravings. A pregnant woman's appetite may change because she smells certain foods.
These spots during pregnancy appear as an effect of the embryo being successfully implanted in the uterine wall. When the embryo attaches, the process can cause the uterine wall to erode, resulting in blood stains.
Implantation bleeding appears as only 1-2 drops of blood that is yellowish pink or brownish in color. Spots can appear at any time within 10-14 days after conception, and last for 1-3 days.
Implantation bleeding will not appear profuse and last more than 5 or 7 days. If you experience these signs that you are pregnant more profusely, consult a doctor immediately.
To distinguish between pregnancy cramps and menstrual symptoms, pay attention to the intensity and location of the pain.
Abdominal cramps as a sign of pregnancy are generally less painful, just like a pinch and last a short time. Cramps can start immediately after ovulation but subside within hours.
Cramps due to embryo implantation also tend to be concentrated in a single location. For example, if the embryo is attached to the left side of the uterus, the cramps will be more pronounced in the left abdomen than on the right.
If the pain lasts for days and the pain is generalized, this is most likely a menstrual cramp.
However, there is no need to worry because these pregnant characteristics are normal. In fact, it may continue until it's time to give birth. The
reason, the hormone progesterone during pregnancy will increase dramatically which will change the body's metabolism.
In addition, a woman's body will weaken her immune system from before implantation so that the embryo can stick and settle in the uterus.
This weakened immunity also increases the risk of pregnant women being easily tired, this is what makes them a sign of pregnancy.
Blood sugar levels and fresh blood production also tend to be lower because most of them are aimed at the uterus. This is the reason pregnant women often complain that their bodies are easily tired.
To overcome this one sign of pregnancy, pregnant women are recommended to adjust their activities. In addition, get enough rest so that these signs of pregnancy do not disturb pregnant women.
It could also be the other way around, not experiencing morning sickness and increased appetite.
This is a normal condition because the baby is growing in the womb. The growth of the fetus in the womb gives a sign of easy hunger and an increase in appetite in pregnant women.
1. Late menstruation
As mentioned earlier, late menstruation is the most common feature of pregnancy for women.This is because menstruation and pregnancy start from the same process, namely the dropping of an adult egg from the ovary (ovary) to the uterus.
The difference is the presence or absence of sperm that enter to fertilize. If there is, the fertilized egg will stick to the uterine wall and continue to develop into a baby within 9 months.
If not, the egg will shed along with the lining of the uterus out of the vagina, which is called menstruation.
If you have had sex and are menstruating for 5-7 days late, this can indicate the fertilization process is already underway. Then develop into a fetus.
After implantation, your body will release the HCG hormone which is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy.
This hormone also tells the ovaries to stop producing new eggs when you are pregnant. Therefore, no egg cell decays into menstrual blood.
However, it should be understood that late menstruation can also be caused by hormonal imbalance, not always a sign of pregnancy.
2. Changes in the breast and nipple
Breast changes are one of the most common signs of pregnancy for women. Pregnant mother's breasts will generally feel firmer. Even in some cases, the breasts feel painful and uncomfortable.In the first weeks of pregnancy, your breasts feel bigger, heavier, firmer, and harder than usual. The breasts may also feel more sensitive and painful, as well as tight.
In addition, other signs of pregnancy, appearing vein lines in the area around the nipple. The areola of the nipple may also turn darker and wider in size.
These signs of pregnancy occur due to hormonal changes. Swollen breasts and blackened nipples because pregnancy hormones increase blood flow to the area in preparation for milk production.
Pregnancy traits begin at 4-6 weeks of gestation, while the nipple and areola discoloration begins around the 11th week of pregnancy.
3. Nausea and vomiting
One of the most common signs of pregnancy is morning sickness. Nausea can be experienced with or without vomiting.Reporting from the American Pregnancy Association (APA), more than 50 percent of pregnant women experience morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Some pregnant women will continue to experience these pregnancy signs until the second trimester or even preparation for delivery.
But even though it's called morning sickness, this condition can also occur throughout the day, afternoon, or night. The characteristics of this one pregnancy generally only appear after the pregnancy enters the 6th week. This occurs due to the increase in the pregnancy hormone, namely the Beta HCG hormone in your body
There are also some pregnant women who experience these signs of pregnancy sooner, namely in the 2nd week or immediately after conception.
Morning sickness will slowly subside as your pregnancy progresses.
4. The sense of smell is more sensitive
According to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, the nose's sensitivity to smell increases dramatically during pregnancy. This is a sign of pregnancy that is quite often experienced by women.Many young pregnant women experience signs of pregnancy such as easily feeling dizzy, nauseous and vomiting, or even being damaged immediately just because they smell a certain smell.
In fact, they may not feel bothered by the smell before becoming pregnant. This condition also affects pregnant women during cravings. A pregnant woman's appetite may change because she smells certain foods.
5. Out of blood spots (spots) from the vagina
Spotting blood as a sign of pregnancy is different from menstrual blood. This spotting of blood as a feature of early pregnancy is called implantation bleeding.These spots during pregnancy appear as an effect of the embryo being successfully implanted in the uterine wall. When the embryo attaches, the process can cause the uterine wall to erode, resulting in blood stains.
Implantation bleeding appears as only 1-2 drops of blood that is yellowish pink or brownish in color. Spots can appear at any time within 10-14 days after conception, and last for 1-3 days.
Implantation bleeding will not appear profuse and last more than 5 or 7 days. If you experience these signs that you are pregnant more profusely, consult a doctor immediately.
6. Stomach cramps
Abdominal cramps, a sign of pregnancy, also occur as a result of the embryo implantation. Therefore, these signs of pregnancy usually appear together with blood spots.To distinguish between pregnancy cramps and menstrual symptoms, pay attention to the intensity and location of the pain.
Abdominal cramps as a sign of pregnancy are generally less painful, just like a pinch and last a short time. Cramps can start immediately after ovulation but subside within hours.
Cramps due to embryo implantation also tend to be concentrated in a single location. For example, if the embryo is attached to the left side of the uterus, the cramps will be more pronounced in the left abdomen than on the right.
If the pain lasts for days and the pain is generalized, this is most likely a menstrual cramp.
7. Quickly weak and tired
A body that is easily tired and weak even though it doesn't finish doing something heavy can be a sign of pregnancy. Pregnant women can experience extreme fatigue even though their pregnancy is only 1 week.However, there is no need to worry because these pregnant characteristics are normal. In fact, it may continue until it's time to give birth. The
reason, the hormone progesterone during pregnancy will increase dramatically which will change the body's metabolism.
In addition, a woman's body will weaken her immune system from before implantation so that the embryo can stick and settle in the uterus.
This weakened immunity also increases the risk of pregnant women being easily tired, this is what makes them a sign of pregnancy.
Blood sugar levels and fresh blood production also tend to be lower because most of them are aimed at the uterus. This is the reason pregnant women often complain that their bodies are easily tired.
To overcome this one sign of pregnancy, pregnant women are recommended to adjust their activities. In addition, get enough rest so that these signs of pregnancy do not disturb pregnant women.
8. Change in appetite
In the early trimester, changes in your appetite begin to show. There are those who experience a decrease in appetite because they have to deal with morning sickness which causes symptoms of nausea and vomiting.It could also be the other way around, not experiencing morning sickness and increased appetite.
This is a normal condition because the baby is growing in the womb. The growth of the fetus in the womb gives a sign of easy hunger and an increase in appetite in pregnant women.
Here are some tips for controlling hunger during pregnancy:
Drink regularly to avoid dehydration (12-13 glasses per day)Eat nutritious foods
Eat often in small portions.
Always stock snacks
You can combine various fruits and nuts so that nutrition can be fulfilled optimally during pregnancy.
9. Hair loss
According to the American Pregnancy Association, hair loss is one of the most common signs of pregnancy. Generally there are 40 percent to 50 percent of pregnant women who experience hair loss.The cause is due to hormonal changes and lack of nutrition for pregnant women. Not infrequently, when women experience these pregnant characteristics, many of them choose to cut their hair short.
10. Back pain
Back pain is one of the most common signs of pregnancy. The location of the pain is precisely centered on the lower back.These signs of pregnancy can occur as a result of implantation cramps, flatulence, and constipation in early pregnancy.
To overcome this, you should consult a doctor. Later the doctor will prescribe medication to relieve back pain.
In addition, keep the sleeping position of pregnant women at night properly to prevent back pain from getting worse.
11. High body temperature
High body temperature can also be a sign of pregnancy. However, what is meant here is not a fever but an increase in the body's internal temperature when you wake up in the morning.Body temperature when you wake up in the morning is called Basal Body Temperature (BBT). BBT temperature may rise after ovulation due to an increase in progesterone after ovulation.
A rise in basal body temperature that lasts 18 days or more is among the earliest signs of pregnancy. Unfortunately, these characteristics of pregnancy do not necessarily indicate that a woman is really pregnant.
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