Health tips
Symptomatic causes of acute and chronic pharyngitis
The most common cause of Sore throat is a viral illness, such as a cold or the flu. Viral throat infections often improve on their own with home care. Bacterial infections, an uncommon cause of a sore throat, require additional treatment with antibiotics.
Sore throat is pain, scratchiness, or throat irritation that usually gets worse when you swallow.
Sore throat is the main symptom of a sore throat. However, the terms "sore throat" and "sore throat" are often used interchangeably.
The most common cause of strep throat is a viral illness, such as a cold or the flu. Viral throat infections often improve on their own with home care. Bacterial infections, an uncommon cause of a sore throat, require additional treatment with antibiotics.
Other less common causes of chronic sore throats may not be easier to treat.
Sore throat is the main symptom of a sore throat. However, the terms "sore throat" and "sore throat" are often used interchangeably.
The most common cause of strep throat is a viral illness, such as a cold or the flu. Viral throat infections often improve on their own with home care. Bacterial infections, an uncommon cause of a sore throat, require additional treatment with antibiotics.
Other less common causes of chronic sore throats may not be easier to treat.

Symptoms of sore throat:
Symptoms of strep throat can vary depending on the cause. Signs and symptoms may include:- Pain or a feeling of confusion in the throat.
- Sore throat gets worse when swallowing or talking.
- Difficulty swallowing.
- Dry throat.
- Painful, swollen glands in the neck or jawbone.
- Swollen, red tonsillitis .
- White patches or pus on the tonsils.
- Hoarseness or muffled voice.
- do not want to eat (young children).
A common infection that causes a sore throat can lead to other signs and symptoms to accompany:
- Fever.
- Chills.
- Cough.
- Runny nose.
- Sneeze.
- Body ache.
- Headache.
- Nausea or vomiting.
See a doctor if a child with a sore throat does not drink in the morning, recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Get immediate care if your child shows signs of harm such as:
- Shortness of breath.
- Difficulty swallowing.
salivary abnormalities, may indicate no probability of swallowing.
Adults should see a doctor if any of the following related to a sore throat occurs, according to the American Academy of Ear Nose Throat:
Adults should see a doctor if any of the following related to a sore throat occurs, according to the American Academy of Ear Nose Throat:
- Throat pain or pain that lasts more than a week
- Difficulty swallowing.
- Shortness of breath.
- Difficult to open mouth.
- Athritis.
- Ear hurt.
- Rash.
- Fever greater than 101 F (38, 3 C).
- Blood in saliva or sputum.
- regular periodic sore throat.
- A lump in the neck.
- Hoarseness lasts more than two weeks.
Most sore throat is caused by viruses that cause common colds and flu (flu). Less often, sore throats are caused by a bacterial infection.Viral infection:
Viral diseases cause sore throat, including:- Cold.
- Flu.
- mononucleosis (mono).
- Measles.
- Chicken pot.
Bacterial infections:
Bacterial infections can cause sore throats, including:- Strep throat, is caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes, or group A strep.
- Pertussis, very infectious through the respiratory tract.
- Diphtheria, a fatal respiratory disease is rare in industrialized countries but more common in developing countries.
Other causes of sore throat, include:
Allergy. Allergies to pet dander, mold, dust, and pollen can cause a sore throat. Many things can become uncomplicated as the posterior drip can irritate and inflame the sore throat.Dried. Dry indoor air, especially in winter when the building is heated, can make it difficult for the throat to dry out and confuse things, especially in the morning when you first wake up. Oral respiration - often caused by chronic congestion - can also cause pain, and a dry throat.
Stimulant. It is possible that outdoor air pollution causes throat irritation. Polluted indoor environment - smoking, chemicals, can also cause chronic sore throat. Chewing tobacco, alcohol, and spicy foods can also irritate your throat.
Muscle tension. you can strain the muscles in the throat just as you can deform them. Yelling at a sporting event, trying to talk to someone in a noisy environment, or talking for long periods of time without taking a break can lead to a sore throat and hoarseness.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is a digestive system disorder in which stomach acid or other stomach fluids return into the esophagus. Other signs or symptoms may include heartburn, hoarseness, vomiting of stomach fluids, and a feeling of a lump in the throat.
HIV transmission. Sore throat and flu-like symptoms sometimes show up soon after a person becomes infected with HIV. In addition, an HIV-positive person may have a chronic or recurring sore throat due to secondary infection. Many common things include a fungal infection called oral thrush and cytomegalovirus infection, which is a common viral infection that can be harmful in people with compromised immune systems.
Grade level. Cancer of the throat, tongue or larynx can cause sore throat. Other signs or symptoms may include hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, a lump in the neck, and blood in saliva or sputum.
Risk factor:
Although anyone can have a sore throat, a number of factors are susceptible. These factors include:Year old. Children and teenagers have a better chance of developing strep throat. Children also have a higher chance of getting sore throats, most commonly caused by an infectious bacteria linked to a sore throat.
Cigarette. Smoking and second hand smoke can irritate the throat. The use of tobacco products also increases the risk of cancers of the throat, mouth and larynx.
Allergy. If there is a seasonal allergy or an ongoing allergic reaction to dust, mold, or fur, there is a greater chance of developing a sore throat than people without allergies.
Encounter with chemical stimulants. Dust in the air from burning fuels, as well as common household chemicals, can irritate your throat.
Frequent acute or chronic sinusitis. Frequent sinus infections increase the risk of a sore throat, as the nasal drainage can irritate the throat or spread the infection.
Live or work in overcrowded areas. Viruses and bacterial infections spread easily from anywhere - baby care centers, classrooms, offices, stone houses and military zones.
Reduce immune chances. Generally susceptible to infection if the antibodies are low. Common causes of immunodeficiency include HIV, diabetes, steroid or chemotherapy treatments, gloves, fatigue, and poor diet.

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