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Ayurvedic Natural Herbal Medicinal Health Treatment Methods without side effects. This blog is related to health, fitness, wellness, Alternative Medicines and leading a disease free lifestyle. It gives in depth info and knowledge about how to remain healthy all your life without taking medicines, non invasive treatment methods

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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

I Brushed My Teeth With Activated Charcoal For A Week

I Brushed My Teeth With Activated Charcoal For A Week
What would happen if we Brush our Teeth With Activated Charcoal For A Week?, Image source: Creative Commons

I Brushed My Teeth With Activated Charcoal For A Week

Charcoal is made from coal, hardwood, or softwood, peat, or even coconut shells. It becomes “activated charcoal” when high temperatures are mixed with an activating agent to expand its surface area. As it burns hotter, charcoal is considered superior to wood, and so, historically, it became the fuel utilized to smelt ores, with its earliest recorded use dating all the way back to 3750 BC.

7 Incredible Benefits Of Dead Sea Salt

7 Incredible Benefits Of Dead Sea Salt

7 Incredible Benefits Of Dead Sea Salt

Nestled between Jordan, Israel, and Palestine, the Dead Sea is a salt lake more than 15 million years old. Among the planet’s saltiest bodies of water, the Dead Sea has a salinity of 34.2% – it is ten times as salty as the ocean. Its salinity creates a harsh environment for flora and fauna, earning the name Dead Sea since precious few microorganisms can survive within it.

6 Reasons Why You Should Eat Oatmeal For Breakfast

6 Reasons Why You Should Eat Oatmeal For Breakfast

6 Reasons Why You Should Eat Oatmeal For Breakfast
Ah, there is nothing like a piping hot bowl of oatmeal on a chilly winter morning. The warm oats fill your belly and heart, giving you the nutrients and the energy to make it till lunch. Oatmeal has long been heralded as a potent superfood but is often overshadowed by more flashy ingredients such as coconut oil and kale.

Top 10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus Fast

Top 10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus Fast

Top 10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus Fast
Top 10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus Fast, Image source: Creative Commons
Onychomycosis – commonly known as toenail fungus – is characterized by inflammation, pain, and swelling of the toe, as well as yellowing, thickening, and crumbling of the nail itself. Toenail fungus can be the result of abnormal pH of the skin, continuous exposure to moisture, wearing synthetic socks, compromised immune system, sweat build-up in shoes, poor foot hygiene, or weak circulation such as that caused by diabetes.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

12 Reasons To Use Magnesium Lotion And How To Make It?

How to Make your Own Magnesium Lotion
12 Reasons To Use Magnesium Lotion And How To Make It? Image Courtesy: Royalty free Creative Commons

12 Reasons To Use Magnesium Lotion And How To Make It

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, and plays a role in over 300 essential metabolic reactions.

Needless to say, a deficiency in this essential nutrient is going to leave you feeling out of sorts, and can pave the way for more serious health issues down the line.

One of the simplest ways to boost levels of the magnesium in the body is by applying a magnesium-rich lotion daily. Not only does this replenish nutrient stores, but it moisturizes and softens the skin!

Keep reading to discover why you should use magnesium lotion, and then get to work whipping up your very own homemade batch!

10 Reasons You Should Start Drinking Camel Milk

10 Reasons You Should Start Drinking Camel Milk

10 Reasons You Should Start Drinking Camel Milk
Domesticated some 4,000 years ago, the camel has been an integral part of survival for peoples inhabiting arid lands. Providing transportation, wool, meat, and deeply nourishing milk, the dromedary – or one-humped camel – is particularly well-adapted for thriving in places with scant natural resources.

13 Ways To Heal Knee Pain Naturally

13 Ways To Heal Knee Pain Naturally

The knee is the largest and most complicated joint in the human body, comprised of a number of ligaments and muscles. Connecting the two longest mechanical levers in the body, the thigh and the lower leg, forces are always acting on the knee joint. While the large thigh muscles give the knee strength and mobility it is the ligaments that surround the knee that provide the most stability.Not only does the knee joint bear the weight of the upper body but it also absorbs the shock when we walk or run. In addition, there is no part of the skeleton, unlike the hip joint, that protects the knee joint.

12 Surprising Home Remedies For Gray Hair That Really Work

12 Surprising Home Remedies For Gray Hair That Really Work

While some may see it as a sign of wisdom and maturity, many people view gray hair as an unwanted sign of old age.

12 Surprising Home Remedies For Gray Hair That Really Work
Every hair on your head actually starts off as white, and is then colored by a natural pigment called melanin. As your hair grows, melanocytes – cells that produce melanin – transfer melanin to each individual hair follicle, which seamlessly colors each strand of hair. As we age, melanocyte activity slows down and eventually stops, leading to less pigment in the hair. Although genetics, hormones, and environmental pollutants can speed along the graying process, the sad fact remains that your chances of going gray increase 10% to 20% every decade after the age of 30.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

8 Signs You Have Leaky Gut, 7 Reasons Why, And 15 Ways To Treat It!!!

Leaky Gut: 8 Signs You Have It, 7 Reasons Why, And 15 Ways To Heal It!!!

Leaky Gut: 8 Signs You Have It, 7 Reasons Why And 15 Ways To Heal It!!!

Leaky gut syndrome is a common but often not diagnosed conditions which not only affects the digestive system, but many other bodily systems and functions too.

In the following post, we’ll start out with the 8 most common signs of leaky gut. From there, we’ll move on to 7 of the top causes of this damaging digestive disorder. Finally, we finish with the 15 best ways to naturally heal a leaky gut which can improve every aspect of your life and your good health!

12 Reasons To Swap Sugar For Monk Fruit Extract: The Zero Calorie Sweetener That Can Make You Live Longer

12 Reasons To Swap Sugar For Monk Fruit Extract: The Zero Calorie Sweetener That Can Make You Live Longer

12 Reasons To Swap Sugar For Monk Fruit Extract: The Zero Calorie Sweetener That Can Make You Live Longer

Here at Herbs+, we’re always on the lookout for new ‘health foods’ to pick apart, study and experiment with. So imagine my delight upon discovering a new zero-calorie sweetener cozied up next to our faithful companion Stevia rebaudiana at the grocery store a few weeks ago. It’s name is Siraitia grosvenorii (aka “Monk Fruit” or luo han guo); and while Monk Fruit isn’t precisely ‘new’ to the natural health food scene, it has been a bit of a wall flower since it first appeared amongst the ranks of no-cal and low-cal natural sweeteners several years ago.

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Ayurvedic Natural Herbal Medicinal Health Treatment Methods without side effects. This blog is related to health, fitness, wellness, Alternative Medicines and leading a disease free lifestyle. It gives in depth info and knowledge about how to remain healthy all your life without taking medicines and non invasive treatment methods.



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